nerve impulse ultimately causes release of neurotransmitter (ACh), which comes in contact w/ sarcoplasmic reticulum
causes a change in membrane potential (action potential spreads across surface along T tubules)
sarcoplasmic reticulum releases its stored calcium ions
Ca2+ bind to troponin
bound Ca2+ causes tropomyosin molec. to roll so that it exposes active sites on actin
myosin head now extend and bind to exposed active sites on actin
cycle repeated: cross-bridge binding
muscle Relaxation
acetylcholine is broken down by acetylcholinesterase: action potential stops
sarcoplasmic reticulum reabsorbs Ca2+
troponin/tropomyosin complex returns to its normal position
active sites are blocked
cross-bridges can't bind to active sites
muscle relaxes
motor unit: motor neuron and all of muscle fibers it innervates; all or none: multiple units for lots of force
muscle tone: tension of muscle when it is relaxed
muscle spindles: specialized muscle cells that are monitored by sensory nerves to control muscle tone; detect changes in length; sensory nerves that control muscle tone
muscle atrophy
discontinued use of muscle (reduce mass and tone)
illness, injury, age
physical therapy and exercise help reduce effect of atrophy
fast fibers
white fibers, FG, Type 2b
less RBC, hemoglobin
slow fibers
red fibers, SO, Type 1
more myoglobin
lower extremities
endurance muscles (spine, core-posture)
intermediate fibers
pink fibers, FOG, type 2b
endurancetrained muscles
origins: point of muscle attachment to bone that is stationary
insertions: point of muscle attachment to bone that will move
actions: function of muscle upon contraction
innervation: which motor nerve is controlling mvmt
actions: muscles can be grouped according to their primary actions into 4 types
prime movers (agonists)
responsible for producing a particular mvmt
bicepsbrachii-flexforearm at elbow
antagonists: actions oppose the action of agonist; extendsforearm at elbow
synergist: assist the prime mover in performing an action; brachilias
fixators: agonist and antagonist muscles contracting at the same time to stabilize a joint; flexors and extensors
muscles that are going to stabilize or restrict mvmt at an area/region while prime movers are active
stabilize hips to perform mvmt at leg
brachialis: brachium of arm
tibialis anterior: associated w/ anterior tibia
trapezius: trapezoid shape
deltoid: triangular shape
rectus femoris: straight muscle of leg
external oblique: muscle on outside that is oriented w/ fibers at an angle