The Gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a flexible muscular tube that extends from the mouth, through the esophagus,stomach,smallintestine,largeintestine, and rectum to the anus.
The small intestine secretes enzymes that digest all energy-yielding nutrients to smaller nutrient particles; cells of wall absorb nutrients into blood and lymph.
The large intestine, or colon, has a primary function of finishing absorption of nutrients and water, synthesizing certain vitamins, forming feces, and eliminating feces from the body.
Microvilli are tiny,hairlikeprojections on each cell of every villus that can trap nutrient particles and transport them into the cells; singular microvillus.
Probiotics are living microorganisms found in foods and dietary supplements that, when consumed in sufficient quantities, are beneficial to health; pro = for, bios = life.