Genitourinary systems

Cards (20)

  • Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
    • Infections of the urogenital tract are caused mostly by E. coli. Other but rarer causes of UTI include Lactobacillus and Mycobacterium smegmatis.
    • Examples of UTIs include urethritis (urethra), cystitis(bladder), and nephritis (kidney).
    • Symptoms/signs: urge to urinate often, burning sensation during urination, cloudy or off-color urine, strong urine smell, pain in the pelvic region
    • UTIs are more common in women than men.
  • Glomerulonephritis
    • Inflammation of the glomerulus in the kidney
    • Typically, it occurs after a streptococcus pyogenes infection, which is believed to lead to an immune complex hypersensitivity.
    • Damages to the glomerulus cause RBC and protein to leak out of the glomerulus, resulting in protein and blood in the urine (proteinuria and hematuria)
    • Signs and symptoms: pink or cola-colored urine(from RBC), foamy urine, hypertension, and edema on hands, feet, abdomen, and face.
    • FYI, lupus, viral infections, and endocarditis can also lead to glomerulonephritis.
  • Leptospirosis (Weil’s disease)
    • Infection of Leptospira spirochete in the kidney, but relatively rare disease
    • Signs/Symptoms vary from asymptomatic to flu-like.
    • If untreated, can lead to kidney and other organ damage in some people
    • Transmitted via contaminated water and via infected animals(pets).
  • Vaginitis_
    • Inflammation of the vaginal canal.
    • This can be caused by:
    • Bacteria called Gardneralla
    • Protozoan(single-cell eukaryotic organism) called Trichomonas
    • Yeast called Candida
    • Occurs when normal conditions of the vagina have been changed (i.e. pH change from 4.2 to higher due to contraceptives, diabetes, or pregnancy) - low acidity allows the microbe to colonize the vaginal canal - causing diseases
  • Trichomoniasis
    • Caused by T.vaginalis which multiplies in the vagina when pH is around 5.5~6.0 (normal is 4.2)
    • It is transmitted usually via sexual contact but can occur via toilet seas and beddings.
    • Symptoms/signs: redness, intense itching, and a large amount of discharge(방출) with an unusual putrid(부패하는) smell
    • Infected men are usually asymptomatic(무증상).
  • Bacterial Vaginitis
    • Many women are asymptomatic, but symptoms include thin, white/grey/green watery discharge, a fishy smell(normally, the vagina doesn’t have a fishy smell), and a burning sensation during urination.
    • Some vaginal itchiness but not typical
  • Yeast Vaginitis
    • Symptoms include intense itchiness and redness, thick, cream, cottage cheese discharge with a musty odor.
  • Toxic Shock syndrome
    • Due to toxic strains of S.aureus that enter a cut site (i.e. vaginal area)
    • Signs/Symptoms: sudden high fever, hypotension, vomiting, muscle ache, and “sunburn” red rash. If untreated, death is about 3%.
    • Women are more at risk due to the use of tampons. Why?
  • Gonorrhea
    • Caused by Neisseria gonorrheae
    • Most women are asymptomatic Symptoms/Signs usually observed in men and include:
    • painful urination with discharge of greenish (pus), reddish (blood)
    • Painful/swollen testicles
    • Typically doesn’t kill a person.
    • Can lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease(PID), reduce fertility due to low sperm count, ectopic pregnancy in women, and epididymitis in men
  • Syphilis
    • Caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum
    • Transmission via sexual contact, saliva, or placental
    • There are 4 Stages of Syphilis: Primary, Secondary, Latent, Tertiary
    • If you catch syphilis, it is important to get treated immediately, unless it gets worse, and move on to the next stages.
  • Primary Syphilis
    • General malaise and the presence of chancre(hard painless pimple) at the sight of infection. The chancre ruptures and goes away after 3~4 weeks. If untreated, can lead to secondary syphilis.
    • They might be okay
  • Secondary Syphilis
    • Presence of non-itchy rashes that can erupt(pustules)
    • Rash can be accompanied by flu-like symptoms and general malaise
  • Latent Syphilis
    No outward sign of infection, which can be months to years after secondary syphilis
  • Tertiary Syphilis
    Development of gumma(granuloma-ulcer), ulcers that can be fatal if occurs in the brain, liver, heart an other vital organs.
  • Congenital Syphilis
    A baby born with congenital syphilis will have the following problems.
    • Hutchinson’s teeth or incisors
    • Saber shin (sharp shin bone)
    • Perforated palate
    • Aged face with saddle nose
    • Developmental problems and possibly death
  • Chancroid
    • Caused by Hemophilus ducrey and causes painful sores/lesions that bleed easily and may lead to buboes (swollen lymph nodes)
    • Incidence is low in most western countries, but high in developing countries, and is associated with sex workers and increases the risk for HIV infection.
  • Chlamydia trachomatis
    • The most common STD’s in the US
    • Most infected individuals are asymptomatic, but painful urination, unusual discharge, and PID have been observed.
    • Untreated infections can lead to UTIs, reduced fertility, ectopic pregnancy, and conjunctivitis in newborns.
  • HSV-1_oral herpes
    • Generally causes oral, throat, eye, and CNS infections
    • Symptoms are mild in healthy individuals but can lead to “fever blister” or cold sores
  • HSV-2_genital herpes
    • Generally causes genital infections, which results in a painful blister and malaise in healthy people
    Both forms of herpes are non-serious in healthy individuals but are problematic for immunocompromised and newborns.
  • Neonatal Herpes
    Babies who contract herpes during birth can get it in 3 forms:
    • SEM (skin, eye mouth)
    • DIS(Disseminated(퍼뜨리다) ex.liver)
    • CNS (central nervous system)
    Neonatal herpes can cause cerebral palsy, seizures, lethargy, developmental impairment, and death.