Cards (8)

  • what is metabolic rate?
    the amount of energy expended by that organism in a time period (usually daily)
  • what is metabolic demand?
    how much oxygen and nutrients an organism needs to take in daily to respire enough to maintain the metabolic rate
  • the greater the mass of an organism the higher that organisms metabolic rate will be
  • Unicellular organisms:
    • Large S.A : V - surface area is large enough to absorb nutrients
    • diffusion distance is short - to get from the outside to the centre of the organism quickly
    • Advantage - can exchange materials directly with the environment as the whole cell is exposed to the outside
    • disadvantage - lose heat and energy quickly, cannot survive extreme temperatures
  • Multicellular organisms
    • small S.A : V - more cells to receive substances
    • large diffusion distance - why there are exchange systems
    • advantage - lose less heat energy (can survive colder temperatures)
    • disadvantage - some cells are not exposed so an internal transport system is needed
  • small animals lose heat energy easily so they need more energy and a higher metabolic rate to maintain a constant internal temperature
  • there are behavioural adaptations to do with an animals actions to something external in order to survive
  • physical adaptations are structural features of an organism that help it to survive