An organization is a systematic arrangement of people brought together to accomplish a specific purpose
Characteristics of an organization include:
A distinct goal and purpose
Comprises people working together to accomplish certain objectives
A systematic structure
An aim to serve society
Management is defined as the process of consolidating and managing resources effectively and efficiently to achieve the goals of the organization
Importance of Management:
Achieves organizational goals
Efficiently utilizes resources
Essential for the prosperity of society
Addresses the challenges of management
Establishes equilibrium
Management is a process that emphasizes all managers engage in certain interrelated functions to achieve desired goals
Management Functions:
Planning: defininggoals, establishing strategies, and developing action plans
Organizing: determining what needs to be done, how it will be done, and who will do it
Leading: directing and influencing organizational members, motivating them, and resolving conflicts
Controlling: monitoring activities to ensure they are accomplished as planned
A manager is responsible for carrying out the four main activities of management over a specific time
Levels of Management:
Top level management: responsible for the overall management of an organization, establish operating policies, and guide interactions with the environment
Middle level management: direct activities of lower level managers and sometimes operating employees, implement organizational policies
Lower level management: responsible for non-management employees' work, directly responsible for the production of goods or services
Skills of Management:
Technical skills: job-specific knowledge to perform tasks
Human skills: ability to work effectively with work groups and others in the organization
Conceptual skills: ability to analyze situations and determine cause and effect, process information from internal and external environments
Scope and Responsibilities of Managers:
General Manager: manages different divisions or departments, makes decisions across functions, ties staff rewards to unit performance
Functional Manager: in charge of one major function or department, manages work units grouped based on specific functions
Managers must view change as a constant feature in their lives
Managers must continuously adjust to complex and dynamic conditions
Prevalent trials of management include Internet and Information Technology, Globalization, Diversity and Intellectual Capital, Ethical Practice and Social Responsiveness
Managers are expected to possess competencies for effective management in managing globalization