Construct validity: The extent to which a test has convergent and divergent validity
Convergent validity is also known as congruent validity
Convergent validity:
the test scores correlate with scores from another measure of the same construct
Divergent validity is also known as discriminant validity
Divergent validity: The extent to which scores uncorrelate with scores from another measure of different construct
The Relationship Quality Interview measures relationship in 5 domains. Strong correlations among the 5 parts indicate convergence of same construct (convergent validity)
Weak correlations between RQI domains and a measure of relationship satisfaction (rather than quality) indicate divergence.
High correlations are close to 1
Low correlations (less relationship) are close to 0
Covariance: Results show that as A changes, B changes either in same or opposite direction
Temporal precedence: Study’s method ensures A comes first in time before B (A comes before B)
Internal validity: Study’s method ensures there’s no alternate explanation for change in B
Reliability is the degree of stability or consistency of measurements (same individuals get same scores every time)
A valid measure is reliable but a reliable measure is not necessarily valid
Measure of height is not a valid measure of intelligence but it is reliable because it yields consistent results.
Accuracy is the degree to which a measure conforms to the established standard
A speedometer that consistently reads 10 mph faster than actual speed is reliable (yields same results) and valid (measures speed) but not accurate
Open ended questions: Allow respondents to answer how they choose
Close ended questions: Limit the possible answers
Open ended questions are good for gathering rich data but create more code or analysis
Close ended questions are good when you want limited responses and are easier to analyze but take more work to write good questions and options
Close ended questions are better when the construct is well defined and have a clear idea about the types of responses people are likely to give