anatomy 2 exam 2

Cards (184)

  • function of blood vessels:
    • transport and distribute blood throughout the body
    • deliver oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells and carry away CO2 and wastes
    • return blood to heart
  • tunica interna: surrounds lumen, in direct contact with blood; endothelium, basement membrane and internal elastic lamina
  • tunica media: smooth muscle fibers and external elastic lamina; stretch and recoil, and exchange diameter of lumen through vasoconstriction or vasodilation
  • tunica externa: anchor vessel to surrounding fibers; elastic and collagen fibers
  • blood vessel walls from deep to superficial: tunica interna, tunica media, tunica externa
  • arteries carry blood away from heart
  • elastic arteries:
    • close to the heart
    • have highly elastic walls to accommodate the surge of blood and project blood onward when ventricles are relaxing
  • muscular arteries:
    • have lots of smooth muscle in tunica media for greater vasoconstriction and vasodilation to adjust blood flow to various regions of the body
  • anastomosis: form alternate route of blood flow to body part through collateral circulation
  • arterioles: abundant microscopic vessels from small arteries branching from muscular arteries that deliver blood to capillaries
  • in arterioles, the tunica interna is thinner with fenestrated internal elastic lamina
  • metarteriole
    • tapers toward junction with capillary
    • precapillary sphincter (single muscle fiber) at junction regulates blood flow through capillary bed by regulating resistance
    • also effects blood pressure
  • capillaries: network of microscopic vessels that connect outflow from heart (arterioles) to return to heart (venules); exchange of materials between blood and interstitial fluid bathing tissue cells
  • capillary bed: 10-100 capillaries arise from single metarteriole, blood flow controlled by precapillary sphincters of metarteriole
  • thoroughfare channel: distal end with no smooth muscle that provides capillaries direct route to venule
  • autoregulation: tissues automatically adjust blood flow to match its metabolic demands
  • continuous capillaries: endothelial cells for continuous tubes, intercellular clefts between adjacent cells allow only a few substances to move across (like in blood brain barrier)
  • fenestrated capillaries: endothelial cell membranes have many fenestrations, allow greater exchange of materials, such as in kidneys for filtration
  • sinusoids capillaries: endothelial cells with large fenestrations, incomplete basement membrane, and large intercellular clefts; allows all components of blood to pass through
  • capillary exchange is the movement of substances between blood and interstitial fluid
    • diffusion
    • across endothelial cell membranes: gases and lipid soluble
    • through intercellular clefts or fenasterations: water soluble
    • transcytosis: pinocytic vesicles across a membrane
  • influences on exchange in capillaries
    • filtration: capillary blood pressure (hydrostatic) "pushes" fluid out of capillary into interstitial fluid
    • reabsorption: blood colloid osmotic pressure (due to plasma proteins) "pulls" fluid into capillary bed
    • filtration greater at arteriole end, reabsorption greater at venule end
  • most capillaries reunite to form venules
    • thin walls that don't maintain shape
    • merge to form veins
    • close to capillary, very porous, function as exchange of nutrients and wastes and movement of WBCs from bloodstream into inflamed or infected tissue
    • acquire thicker walls as enlarge with no exchange of nutrients
  • in some parts of body, blood passes from one capillary bed to another instead of a venule, portal system
    • portal vein connects the two capillary beds
    • in hepatic and hypophyseal (hypothalamus and pituitary)
  • veins: bring blood from tissues back to the heart, thinner tunica interna and tunica media than arteries, lack elastic lamina
    • distensible with variations in volume and pressure
    • not able to withstand high pressure
  • veins have valves
    • flap-like cusps of tunica interna into lumen
    • prevent backflow of blood in segments of vein
  • vascular sinus:
    • vein with thin endothelial wall, such as coronary sinus
    • lacking smooth muscle, so unable to alter its diameter
  • venous return: volume of blood flowing back to the heart through systemic veins, limited pressure remaining from heart pump
  • skeletal muscle pump:
    • skeletal muscle compression pushes blood through valve closer to heart, "milking"
    • valves further away close as some blood is pushes back against it
  • respiratory pump: during inhalation, diaphragm moves downward, decreases pressure in thoracic cavity and increase pressure in abdominal cavity
    • blood flows into decompressed veins and into right atrium
  • at rest, 64% of blood volume is in systemic veins and venules
  • blood reservoir
    • blood can be diverted quickly as needed arises
    • brainstem sympathetic impulses can vasoconstrict veins, allowing greater blood volume to flow to skeletal muscle as needed during increased activity
    • similar mechanism during hemorrhage, to counteract blood loss and associated decrease in blood volume and pressure
  • blood flow in any given tissue
    • varies with blood pressure gradient and resistance
    • in all systemic vessels is equal to cardiac output
  • blood pressure: hydrostatic pressure exerted by blood on blood vessel walls
    • generated by ventricular contraction
    • measures in mmHg
  • systemic blood pressure: highest arterial pressure during systole
  • diastolic blood pressure: lowers arterial pressure during diastole
  • measuring blood pressure is highest at aorta and falls profressibly with fluctuations disappearing at the capillaries
  • blood pressure influenced by cardiac output, blood volume, and vascular resistance
  • vascular resistance: opposition to blood flow due to friction between blood and walls of blood vessel
    • an increase decreases blood flow and increase blood pressure
  • 3 factors affecting vascular resistance
    • size of lumen: higher resistance as vasoconstrict
    • blood viscosity: higher resistance as ratio of blood cells and plasma proteins increases
    • total blood vessel length: higher resistance if longer
  • systemic vascular resistance: total peripheral resistance from all systemic vessels, slight change in arteriole diameter has large effect