trenches were clogged and noisy telephones needed lots of parts, often damaged - meant orders had to be yelled
RAMC (Royal Army Medical Corps)
founded in 1898, responsible for army medical care.
Karl Landsteiner
Discovered that blood can be grouped into different types, A, B, AB and O. 1901.
A person who helps to carry the sick or injured on stretchers
Regimental Aid Post (RAP)
Located within 200m of frontlines, made up of Regimental Medical Officers and stretcher-bearers. Provided basic first aid for small injuries
Dressing Stations (ADS and MDS)
ADS (400m from the RAP) and MDS a half mile back. Stationed in abandoned buildings or tents.Had medical officers, orderlies, and stretcher-bearers
Casualty Clearing Station
The first large and well-equipped medical facility,7-12 miles from the battlefield, usually had around 7 doctors with nursing and other staff.
Base Hospitals
Before evacuation to Britain, a seriously wounded soldier could be held in these types of specialist hospitals
Underground Hospital of Arras
800m of tunnels close to the frontline. It housed 700 stretcher beds, an operating theatre, rest stations, and a mortuary. Abandoned in 1917, after being hit by a shell.
FANY (First Aid Nursing Yeomanry)
Founded in 1907 as a woman's voluntary organisation for troops
what are the 6 steps in the chain of evacuation
Stretcher bearers2) Rigimental Aid Post3) Motor Ambulance4) Casualty Clearing Station5) Hospitral Train6) Base Hospital
NHS established
5th july 1948
before 1948
Around 8 million people had never seen a doctor as they couldn't afford it
Paul Ehrlich discovers the Magic Bullet - Salvarsan 606
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