medicine through time

Cards (18)

  • when was the war fought?
    1914 - 1918
  • communication in trenches
    trenches were clogged and noisy telephones needed lots of parts, often damaged - meant orders had to be yelled
  • RAMC (Royal Army Medical Corps)
    founded in 1898, responsible for army medical care.
  • Karl Landsteiner
    Discovered that blood can be grouped into different types, A, B, AB and O. 1901.
  • Stretcher-Bearer
    A person who helps to carry the sick or injured on stretchers
  • Regimental Aid Post (RAP)
    Located within 200m of frontlines, made up of Regimental Medical Officers and stretcher-bearers. Provided basic first aid for small injuries
  • Dressing Stations (ADS and MDS)
    ADS (400m from the RAP) and MDS a half mile back. Stationed in abandoned buildings or tents.Had medical officers, orderlies, and stretcher-bearers
  • Casualty Clearing Station
    The first large and well-equipped medical facility,7-12 miles from the battlefield, usually had around 7 doctors with nursing and other staff.
  • Base Hospitals
    Before evacuation to Britain, a seriously wounded soldier could be held in these types of specialist hospitals
  • Underground Hospital of Arras
    800m of tunnels close to the frontline. It housed 700 stretcher beds, an operating theatre, rest stations, and a mortuary. Abandoned in 1917, after being hit by a shell.
  • FANY (First Aid Nursing Yeomanry)
    Founded in 1907 as a woman's voluntary organisation for troops
  • what are the 6 steps in the chain of evacuation
    1. Stretcher bearers2) Rigimental Aid Post3) Motor Ambulance4) Casualty Clearing Station5) Hospitral Train6) Base Hospital
  • NHS established
    5th july 1948
  • before 1948
    Around 8 million people had never seen a doctor as they couldn't afford it
  • 1909
    Paul Ehrlich discovers the Magic Bullet - Salvarsan 606
  • 2002
    Tobacco advertisements, promotions and sponsorships banned
  • In 1982 how many 15 year olds smoked

  • In 2006 how many 15 year olds smoked