CH 4 East Asia

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  • Subtropical Rainy Climate: A climate found on east coasts characterized by hot, rainy summers and cool winters
  • Alluvial Soils: Soil materials deposited in valley floors by annual river floods
  • Megalopolis: An expanded urbanized area that includes several metropolitan areas with over a million people and dominates the economy of surrounding areas
  • Han Chinese: The largest group (94%) of people in China
  • Shinto: The traditional religion of Japan built on ancient myths and customs that promote national interests and identity
  • Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI): The Japanese government body responsible for assistance and advice to industry, including the export marketing office
  • Confucius (Kong Fuzl): Chinese administrator who established a system of efficient and humane political and social institutions that became the basis of procedures and ways of life in much of East Asia
  • Daoism: The teaching of Chinese philosopher Laozi, who disliked the organized and hierarchical social system of Confucius and advocated a return to local, village-based communities with little outside interference
  • Collectivization: The transformation of rural life in COmmunist countries such as China and the Soviet Union in which individual farmers were grouped in cooperatives that took ownership of their land and labor
  • Commune: The organization that controls rural life in some Communist countries, including agriculture, industry, trade, education, local militia, and family life
  • Great Leap Forward: The attempt by the Chinese Communist government in the late 1950s to increase the pace of industrialization
  • Cultural Revolution: The attempt by Mao Zedong between 1966 and 1976 to change the basis of Chinese society
  • Household Responsibility System: The replacement for communes in rural China after 1976, returning ownership and decision-making rights to individuals and groups that could sell surpluses in open markets
  • Entrepôt: A port that collects goods from several countries to trade with the wider world and distributes imports to its immediate area or hinterland
  • A population growth rate of 1% means a population will double in 70 years (70/growth rate). China's growth rate is 0.65%, which means?

    At the current rate, its population would double in 108 years
  • Approximately what percentage of global population lives in East Asia?
  • The western part of East Asia has an arid climate because?
    It is furthest away from the rain-bearing winds from the ocean
  • Sometimes a dominant country or colonizer will force its written script upon a country whose people belong to an entirely different ethnolinguistic group, as in the case of which of the following?
    Russia and Mongolia
  • Civilization first emerged in China along the banks of what river?
    Huang He (Yellow)
  • China's large population has traditionally been supported by?
    Fertile alluvial soils and adequate water for cultivation of staple cereals
  • An ethnic minority that is concentrated on the Japanese island of Hokkaido?
  • The fact that Japan is so well-developed indicates?
    Comparative advantages that do not include natural resources
  • While Shanghai is rapidly becoming a well-connected global city-region, its main limitation is?
    Using a currency that is not freely convertible on the global market
  • The East Asain country experiencing the least amount of development?
    North Korea