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  • As one consultant put it, most people are hired based on qualifications, but are fired because of attitude, motivation, and temperament.
  • Industrial psychologists often focus on the “big five” personality dimensions:
    • extraversion,
    • emotional stability/neuroticism,
    • agreeableness,
    • conscientiousness, and
    • openness to experience.
  • Extraversion - represents a tendency to be sociable, assertive, active, and to experience positive effects, such as energy and zeal.
  • Openness to experience - is the disposition to be imaginative, nonconforming, unconventional, and autonomous.
  • Agreeableness - is the tendency to be trusting, compliant, caring, and gentle.
  • Conscientiousness - is comprised of two related facets: achievement and dependability.
  • Some other types of test:
    1. Projective - Make a Picture Story (MAPS)
    2. Self-reported
    3. Myers-Briggs test
    4. DiSC Profile learning instrument
  • Make sure the personality tests you use predict performance for the jobs you are testing for
  • Interest Inventories - compare one’s interests with those of people in various occupations
  • Achievement Tests - measure what someone has learned.