Validity + reliability

    Cards (15)

    • What is reliability?
      measure of consistency.
    • Two ways of assessing validity
      • Face validity
      • Concurrent validity
    • What is face validity?
      The extent to which a test or measurement appears to measure what it is intended to measure.
    • What is concurrent validity?
      The degree to which a new measure or test correlates with an existing and well-established similar one.
    • What are the two types of validity?
      Internal validity and external validity.
    • What is external validity?
      The extent to which the findings of a study can be generalized to other populations, settings, or conditions.
    • What is internal validity?
      The extent to which a study accurately measures the cause-and-effect relationship between variables, without the influence of confounding factors.
    • What are the three types of external validity?
      Population, ecological, and temporal.
    • What is population validity?
      The extent to which findings from a study can be generalized to the larger population with various genders, ages, and cultures.
    • What is temporal validity?
      Generalisability to other periods or eras
    • What is ecological validity?
      The extent to which research findings can be generalized to real-world settings and situations.
    • What is internal and external reliability?
      Internal: Consistency of measurement within a study.
      External: Consistency of findings despite when it was used or who it was done by.
    • What are the ways of assessing reliability?
      Test-retest and inter-rater.
    • What is test-restest method?
      Using the same test on the same pps but on a different occasion (not to short that they can remember answer, or too long that their attitudes change)
    • What is inter-observer method?
      the agreement between 2 or more observers who independently observed the study.
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