Reliability & Validity

    Cards (12)

    • Reliability
      The consistency of an experiment
    • Internal Reliability
      Refers to the extent the experiment was conducted consistently
    • Internal Reliability
      • Did all participants have exactly the same experience?
      • Was there a standardised procedure?
      • Is the study replicable?
    • External Reliability
      Refers to the extent to which the study is consistent over time
    • Assessing External Reliability
      Test-retest: Participants are tested once, then the same participants are tested again at a later date, and the two sets of scores are correlated
    • Validity
      Whether a test measures what it intends to measure
    • Internal Validity
      Whether we can say for certain that the independent variable has caused the effect seen in the dependent variable
    • External Validity
      The extent to which results can be generalised to other settings, people, and time periods
    • External Validity
      • Ecological validity: other settings
      • Population validity: other people within the target population
      • Temporal validity: different time periods
    • Maintaining internal validity
      Reduces the realism of the study (external validity)
    • Maintaining external validity
      Reduces the internal validity of the study
    • The psychologist tries to strike a balance between maintaining the internal validity and the realism (external validity) of the study
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