The circulatory system (mass transp)

Cards (24)

  • Which vein brings blood into the heart?
    vena cava
  • What is the name of the valves between atria and ventricle? atrioventricular
  • what are the names of the valves that are between ventricles and veins/arteries?
    semilunar valves
  • What’s the name of the artery that pumps blood around the whole body?
  • features of a good transport system: a form of mass transport, a suitable medium (blood), closed series of tubular vessels, a mechanism to move the transport medium
  • The aorta is connected to the left ventricle and carries oxygenated blood around the body
  • The vena cava is connected to the right atrium and carries deoxygenated blood from the body into the heart
  • The pulmonary artery is connected to the right ventricle and carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs to gain oxygen
  • Pulmonary vein is connected to the left atrium and carries oxygenated blood to the heart to be pumped around the body
  • the coronary arteries are branches off the aorta which supply blood to the heart muscle itself
  • Atrioventricular valves have tendons to assist them under pressure
  • Semilunar valves are pocket valves, when they fill up they block the vessel
  • The 3 stages of the cardiac cycle are atrial systole, ventricular systole and cardiac diastole
  • During cardiac diastole, all muscles are relaxed in the heart and blood flows in, A.V valves are open and semilunar valves are closed
  • During atrial systole, the atria contract pushing blood into the ventricles, AV valves close and semilunar valves remain closed
  • During ventricular systole, muscles in atria relax and muscles of ventricles contract so blood is forced out of ventricles and into veins, A.V valves are closed and semilunar are open
  • Arteries have a muscular wall and small lumen, they contain elastic fibres allowing the vessel to stretch and recoil
  • veins have semilunar valves at intervals to prevent backflow of blood
  • atrioles have smooth muscle which contracts in order to reduce the size of the lumen and reduce blood flow to capillaries
  • main types of blood vessels are:
    1. Arteries - Carry blood away from the heart.
    2. Arterioles - Carry blood from arteries into capillaries.
    3. Capillaries - Site of diffusion between blood and body tissues.
    4. Venules - Carry blood from capillaries into veins.
    5. Veins - Return blood to the heart.
    • Vasoconstriction - Smooth muscle in artery contracts, constricting the blood vessel and decreasing blood flow.
    • Vasodilation - Smooth muscle in artery relaxes, dilating the blood vessel and increasing blood flow.
  • cardiac cycle:
    stage 1 -
    Atrial systole
    • The ventricles relax, and the atria contract.
    • This increases the atrial pressure.
    • The atrioventricular valves open.
    • Blood flows into the ventricles.
  • cardiac cycle:
    stage 2-
    Ventricular systole
    • The ventricles contract, and the atria relax.
    • The ventricular pressure increases.
    • The semi-lunar valves open, and the atrioventricular valves close.
    • Blood flows into the arteries.
  • cardiac cycle:
    stage 3-
    • The ventricles and atria relax.
    • The semi-lunar valves close.
    • Blood flows passively into the atria.