Biological focus - inquires about genetic composition
social focus - inquires about human behavior
Archaeology - examines remains of ancient
cultural anthropology- study of a society’s culture through their belie system
linguistic anthropology- examines language of a group
applied anthropology- solve contemporary prob through the application of theories
physical anthropology- development of humans and their contemporary variation
Tristes Tropiques - classic studies of anthropology
Claude levi-strauss - french anthropologist who made memoir
Nancy scheper-hughes - professor of anthropology at university of california
Participant observation method - entails the participation of the researchers on the daily practices and ritual of the group being studied
Levi—Strauss and Scheper-Hughes - they are both anthropologist that stayed in the field for more 2 years and lived in the communities that they were documenting
culture - something ethnic; some people think of it as an all-encompassing term that separates human from the rest of animal kingdom
culture is everything - what a person has, does, and thinks as part of society
culture is everything - implies all of a person's belief system, set of behaviors, and material possessions
material - all tangible and visible part of culture
nonmaterial - intangible parts of culture
culture is learned - set of beliefs, attitudes, and practices that an individual learns through his/her fam, sch, church, and other social institutions
enculturation - process of learning your own culture
acculturation - due to constant interaction between societies, culture can be modified desirable traits from other cultures
deculturation - when the culture of the older generation comes into conflict w/ the needs and realities of the younger generation
deculturation - reason for the culture has been lost and even the cultural trait itself in the process of being forgotten
culture is shared - set of behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs that a person possesses is a of a greater collection of values and ideas that is communally owned and practiced by members of society
culture is shared intergenratonally
culture affects biology - humans are born into cultures that have values on beauty and body
culture affects biology - they alter their bodies to fit into the physiological norms that is dictated by culture
mursi tribe of ethiopia in Africa - wears lip plates as a sign of beauty
foot binding - most popular traditions in china that ensures their potential for good marriage
culture is adaptive - culture is a tool of survival that humans use in response to the pressures of their environment
inuits of artic region - well-known for building igloos during fishing and haunting expeditions. during summer, they use tupiqs, w/c are tents made of animal skin, as their temporary homes
culture is maldaptive - culture can also cause problems for the people who subscribe to it
culturechanges - culture is never static
theories - are established perspectives that are eesential in shaping an analysis abt a particular issue
cultural evolutionism - all cultures undergo the same development stages in the same order
diffusionism - all societies change as a result of cultural borrowing from one another
historicism - each culture is unique and must be studied in its own context
psychological anthropology - personality is largely seen to be the result f learning culture
functionalism - society is thought to be like biological organism w/ all of the parts interconnected existing
neo-evolution - culture is said to be shaped by environment and technological conditions