An extreme or irrational fear of an object, situation or activity that is disproportionate to the actual danger and disruptive to everyday life
How is a phobia maintained through operant conditioning?
through avoidance of the phobic stimuli, which is negatively reinforced as something unpleasant is avoided. so the behaviour continues
What is the model to explain phobias called?
the two process model
What is a strength of the two process model?
supporting research.
found that people with phobias can often report a specificincident that triggered the phobia
contradictory research:
not everyone can recall a specific incident that started their phobia
Limitations of the two process model?
some phobias it cannot explain - many people are scared of spiders but have not experienced a traumatic event. many people have traumatic events with cars but do not have a phobia
Incomplete: diathesis-stress model
What is biological preparedness?
refers to the idea that certain behaviours or reactions have been hardwired into our minds
what is the diathesis stress model?
states all psychological disorders are caused by a gene plus a stressful triggering event which causes a phobia