Human Bio - Endocrine System

Cards (15)

  • Hypothalamus:
    • Regulates basic homeostatic functions
    • such as body temperature, water balance, + heart rate
  • Pituitary Gland:
    • Controlled by hypothalamus
    • Consists of anterior + posterior lobes that regulate other endocrine glands
    • Infundibulum connects it to the hypothalamus
  • Pineal Gland:
    • Deep inside brain (in children about the size of a pea)
    • After puberty = gradual decrease in size
    • Secretes melatonin -regulate sleep patterns
    • Production of melatonin - stimulated by darkness + inhibited by light
  • Thyroid Gland:
    • Thyroxine (T4) and T3: increases metabolic rate = raised oxygen consumption + increased heat production
    • Calcitonin: decreases calcium + phosphate levels in blood
  • Parathyroid Glands
    embedded in posterior surface of thyroid 
    secrete parathyroid hormone in response to hypocalcaemia (low Ca levels)
    PTH raises blood Ca levels
  • Thymus Gland
    Secretes thymosin = necessary for T lymphocytes' development + production
  • Adrenal Cortex
    Cortisol: secreted in response to adrenocorticotrophic hormone
    Promotes normal metabolism + repair of damaged cells (helps body adapt to stress)
    Aldosterone: stimulates kidneys to retain sodium + excrete potassium
  • Adrenal Medulla
    Adrenaline + Noradrenaline: prepares body for fight-or-flight response
  • Pancreas
    Secreted from Islets of Langerhan (cluster of cells)
    Alpha cells: secrete glucagon (increase blood glucose levels - stimulate breakdown of glycogen to glucose)
    Beta cells: secrete insulin (decrease blood glucose levels - stimulate uptake of glucose)
    Together regulate blood sugar
  • Gonads
    Testes – male gonads:
    testosterone = stimulate sperm production, development of sex characteristics
    Ovaries – female gonads:
    oestrogen = development of sex characteristics + regulate menstrual cycle
    progesterone = regulate menstrual cycle + prepare mammary glands for milk secretion
  • Amine (water-soluble):
    1. travel in blood to target cell
    2. hormone leaves blood + binds to specific receptor on target cell
    3. hormone + receptor = allow for secondary messenger to enter cell
    4. secondary messenger activates specific enzyme
    cannot diffuse across target cell membranes
    act via secondary messenger mechanism
    cause quick response but w/ short-lasting effects
    all pituitary hormones are amine
  • Steroid (lipid soluble):
    1. hormone diffuses through cell membrane
    2. attaches to receptor inside cell to become a hormone-receptor complex
    3. receptors in internal organelles – mitochondria or nucleus
    4. hormone-receptor complex activates specific genes to produce proteins
    directly enter target cell membrane to initiate response
    act via direct messenger mechanism
  • Anterior Pituitary:
    connected to hypothalamus via BVs in infundibulum
    hypothalamus releases releasing or inhibiting factors that travel down infundibulum - stimulates AP to produce or not
    FSH: stimulate sperm production; growth of follicle
    LH: stimulate testosterone production; bring about ovulation, formation of corpus luteum
    GH: increase rate of protein synthesis
    TSH: stimulate thyroid to produce + release hormones
    ADCH: stimulate adrenal cortex to produce + release hormones
    PRL: mammary gland milk production
  • Posterior Pituitary:
    anatomically joined to hypothalamus via nerve cells
    hormones produced by nerve cells in hypothalamus
    travel down infundibulum through cell extensions + stored
    release when triggered by nerve impulses from hypothalamus
    oxytocin - uterus contractions, mammary gland release of milk
    antidiuretic hormone - reabsorption of water in kidneys
  • Homeostasis: ability of body to maintain relatively constant internal environment, regardless of environmental changes
    · concentration of oxygen + carbon dioxide
    · pH of 7
    · concentration of nutrients + waste
    · concentration of slats + electrolytes
    · volume + pressure of extracellular fluid
    · volume + pressure of intercellular fluid
    · stable body temp