Lecture 5

Cards (47)

  • Skull
    protects brain and sense organs; includes bones of cranium and face
  • face
    facial expressions, facial muscles - cranial nerve VII; eyes, eyebrows, ear, nose, mouth, symmetrical; salivary glands, temporal artery
  • sinus
    give voice resonance, lighten the weight of the skull, produce mucus
  • neck muscles?
    sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
  • Neck major blood vessels
    internal carotid and external carotid
  • thyroid gland
    located between trachea and sternocleidomastoid
  • lymphatic system
    extensive vessel system; major part of immune system; finds and destroys foreign substances
  • lymph nodes
    small oval clusters of lymphatic tissue; eats pathogens, stops harmful substances entering circulation
  • head injury (subjective data)
    loss of consciousness (pre or post fall); setting/environment of fall; location of head injury; history of illness; symptoms afterwards; attempts to treat?
  • subjective data for head injuries
    any headaches, dizziness, confusion, difference in vision, skin problems, stiffness of neck, lumps or swelling, buises
  • tests for head injuries
    racoon eyes, Halo Effect of Leaking, Kerning's Sign (meningitis)
  • Past medical history for head injuries
    any neck/head surgery, thyroid problems/hormone treatment
  • Health teaching about head injuries
    sunscreen for skin cancer; helmets for injury; stop smoking; seatbelt for coup-coupercoup injury
  • Objective data for head
    inspect and palpate skull
  • size, shape, contour, symmetry of head - objective data
    normocephalic, macrocephalic, microcephalic, lumps, depressions, protrusions, abnormal frontanelles, hair, no sutures until 6 months, rickets
  • Objective data for face
    edema to face, cravial nerve VII symmetry
  • Objective data for neck
    trachea midline? look for creptitation, limited ROM, arthritis, tenderness, is thyroid enlarged, are lymph nodes and salivary glands palpable (not supposed to), lymph adenopathy
  • Eyes
    6 muscles, three cranial nerves VI, IV, III
  • subjective data for eyes
    sudden vision change, floaters, quick appearance of floaters, hard time seeing, pain, photophobia, strabismus, redness and swelling, watering and discharge, use of glasses on contacts, glaucoma
  • developmental consideration of infants/kids for eyes
    limited eye function when first born, farsighted until 7-8 yrs olf
  • Developmental considerations of aging adults
    presbyopia by 40, decreased adaptation to darkness and tear production
  • Objective data for eyes
    clarity of cornea and lens, edema of eyelid, eyebrows, lashes, droopy eye from nerve damage, benign cholesterol build-up
  • objective data for eyeballs
    moist, white sclera, pink lids, few blood vessels
  • assess alignment of eyes
    hirschberg's test, undercover test
  • eye/vision test
    20/20 means can read at 20 ft what the normal could have read at 20 ft. 20/30 means poor vision. needs to see eye doctor. accomodation = adjustment for near vision
  • eye test for kids (2 1/2 - 3)

    allen test-seven cards of familiar objets,
  • eye test for kids 3-8 or adults with illiteracy
    tumbling E chart
  • Assess with 6 cardinal gazes
    follow movement of finger 12 inches away, normal = parallel tracking with both eyes, nystagmus only normal at extreme lateral gaze
  • Pupillary light reflex (CN II optic)
    PERRLA = puplis are equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation
    shine light from side (should contract when move light into line of vision)
  • Visual reflex of accommodation
    focus on finger and move towards nose, convergence and pupillary constriction should be looked for
  • internal structures
    look for red reflex when using ophthalmoscope
  • infants/kids ears
    structurally different (shorter, horizontal eustachian tube). pathogens move nasopharynx to middle ear. lymphoid tissue may obstruct
  • older adults ears
    cilia coarse and stiff, impacted cerumen (ear wax), gradual hearing loss
  • subjective data for ears

    earache, infections/discharge, hearing loss, environmental noise, tinnitus, vertigo
  • objective data of external ear
    look at size and shape of pinna, skin condition, tenderness, discharge, odor (pull pinna up and back for adult, down and back for kid)
  • objective data for tympanic membrane
    shiny translucent grey colour, retracted and flutters during valsalva manoeuvre or holds the nose and swallows, no perforations, white circle at 5:00 in right ear, 7:00 in left ear
  • hearing tests
    whispered voice test and turning fork test
  • whispered voice test
    close one ear, cover mouth and whisper two syllable words
  • turning fork test
    not reliable
  • balance test
    romberg test