
Subdecks (13)

Cards (836)

  • What are the biological differences between males and females?
    Chromosomes, hormones, and anatomy
  • What does gender refer to in psychology?
    The psychological differences between males and females
  • What is sex role stereotyping?
    Beliefs about appropriate behavior for genders
  • Who reinforces sex role stereotyping?
    Parents, peers, media, school, and society
  • What can sex role stereotyping lead to?
    Sexist assumptions denying opportunities
  • What is androgyny?
    Blurring of masculinity and femininity distinctions
  • How is androgyny measured?
    Using a 60-item questionnaire
  • What does the BSRI stand for?
    Bem's Sex Role Inventory
  • What does the BSRI consist of?
    200 traits rated by 50 males and females
  • What are the dimensions used to classify scores in the androgyny questionnaire?
    Masculine-Feminine and Androgynous-Undifferentiated
  • What is a criticism of the BSRI?
    It oversimplifies the complexity of gender
  • What is the typical chromosome pattern for females?
  • What is the typical chromosome pattern for males?
  • What determines gender in humans?
    The 23rd pair of chromosomes
  • What does the SRY gene do?
    Instructs XY embryo to release male hormones
  • How do hormones influence development?
    They affect reproductive organs and brain development
  • What hormone controls the development of male sex organs?
  • What happens without testosterone in a genetically male embryo?
    It develops female sex organs
  • What is the relationship between testosterone and behavior?
    Positively correlated with aggression
  • What does oestrogen control?
    Development of female sex organs and menstruation
  • Why is PMS controversial?
    It stereotypes female experiences as biological
  • What is oxytocin known as?
    The 'love hormone'
  • What can under- or over-exposure to hormones during prenatal development lead to?
    Intersex conditions
  • What is Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS)?
    Genetic male develops female characteristics
  • What is Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)?
    Genetic female has too much testosterone
  • What is a criticism of chromosome studies?
    They may overlook social learning influences
  • What is Klinefelter's Syndrome associated with?
    XXY extra Y chromosome
  • What are the symptoms of Klinefelter's Syndrome?
    Cognitive difficulties and infertility
  • What is Turner's Syndrome associated with?
    X0 missing X chromosome
  • What are the symptoms of Turner's Syndrome?
    Infertility and wide neck
  • What is a criticism of atypical sex chromosome patterns studies?
    They may not generalize to the population
  • What does Freud describe prephallic children as?
    Bisexual, neither masculine nor feminine
  • What is the Oedipus Complex?
    Boys' jealousy of their father
  • How do boys resolve the Oedipus Complex?
    By identifying with their father
  • What is the Electra Complex?
    Girls' sense of loss for not having a penis
  • What does penis envy convert into for girls?
    A desire for a baby of their own
  • What is identification in Freud's theory?
    Adopting the same-sex parent's attitudes
  • What happens if complexes are not resolved according to Freud?
    Confusion about sexual identity may occur
  • What evidence supports the psychodynamic explanation for gender?
    Research from Little Hans and his phobia
  • What is the first stage of social learning theory?