explaining and treating

Cards (9)

  • Two process model by Mower. Phobias acquired from classical conditioning (learnt from association) and are maintained through operant conditioning (learnt from consequences)
  • A phobic object (eg a bee)starts as a Neutral stimulus, which causes a neutral response (no response). An unconditioned stimulus (pain of sting) an association is formed when the NS is paired with the UCS. the object now becomes the conditioned stimulus, which now produces a Neutral response.
  • When you try to avoid the phobia, this leads to a a reduction in anxiety, which creates a pleasant sensation. This positive reinforcement strengths the phobia, which then leads you to avoid it even more.
  • Phobias are often treated using exposure therapy or cognitive behavioural therapy.
  • The two-process model explains how phobias can develop quickly
  • Evaluation for explaining:
    • + Watson and Rayner (1920), Little Albert, Created a phobia of white rat by exposing him to a loud noise when the rat was present. created a phobia, phobias formed through association.
    • DiNardo, conditioning dog bites common in dog phobias (56%), just as common when no dog phobia (66%). Mendos and Clarke, 2% kids water phobia recall negative experience, 56% parents present from first encounter.
    • Phobias like snakes and spiders are common, evolutionary theory.
    • + development of treatments, explanation is valid
  • The goal of treating is too replace fear with relaxation. Reciprocal inhibition, fear and relaxation are two antagonistive emotions , cant feel both at the same time.
  • Systematic Desensitization (SD) is a form of exposure therapy that involves gradually exposing the patient to the feared stimulus. Client creates an anxiety hierarchy and then works through the hierarchy, starting with the least feared stimulus. Relaxing at each stage before moving on, new association is formed, phobia gone.
  • Flooding is another form of exposure therapy where the client is exposed to the full extent of their phobic situation all at once. The idea behind flooding is that if the person experiences the maximum amount of anxiety they will be able to cope with it and therefore not have such strong feelings about the object/situation next time. if they leave before the end, the phobia will be reinforced.