Factors that lead to mental disorders include heredity, personality weaknesses, low stress tolerance, childhood experiences, stressful situations, and inability to cope
Factors leading to mental disorders include heredity, personality weaknesses, low stress tolerance, childhood experiences, stressful situations, and inability to cope
Hans Selye defined stress as a non-specific response of the body to any demand, categorizing it into eustress (moderate and desirable) and distress (bad, excessive, irrational)
Stressors are objects or events in the environment that induce stress, categorized as major life events, daily hassles, chronic role strain, and traumas
Conflicts and frustrations arise when individuals face obstacles in reaching goals, leading to approach-approach, avoidance-avoidance, and approach-avoidance conflicts
Types of mental disorders include disorders of childhood, anxiety disorders, mood disorders (depression and bipolar disorder), psychosomatic and somatoform disorders, and dissociative disorders