Ch 26

Cards (30)

  • Personality and its development are a major concern for psychology
  • Personality does not refer only to physical appearance but also includes the social and spiritual aspects of existence
  • Indian sages have provided comprehensive models of highly developed human potential
  • Bhagvad Gita describes the Tri Guna view, while Upanishads present the panch kosha theory
  • Sri Aurobindo has developed a system of one's being based on studies on consciousness
  • The theory of Trigunas states that human existence is a combination of Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas
  • Sattwik individuals function moderately in various activities, meditate regularly, and radiate knowledge
  • Rajasik individuals are very active, dynamic, and addicted to work
  • Tamasik individuals do not like to work, are failures in life, and are dirty, idle, and lethargic
  • Each person is a combination of these three qualities to different degrees
  • Personality development involves achieving and maintaining the right proportion of Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas
  • The theory of Panch Koshas describes five sheaths of human existence
  • Annamaya Kosha: The physical body, termed as the Food Sheath, develops from food consumed and transforms into muscles, veins, nerves, blood, and bones
  • Pranamaya Kosha: The Vital Sheath, consists of five Pranas controlling perceptions, excretion, digestion, circulation, and thinking
  • The Vital Sheath regulates the Food Sheath, and its faculties weaken with age
  • The five faculties that gradually weaken with age are: self-education, Vital Sheath, Pranamaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha, Vijnanamaya Kosha, and Anandamaya Kosha
  • The signs of healthy development of Pranamaya Kosha include: enthusiasm, ability to use voice effectively, suppleness of body, perseverance, leadership, discipline, honesty, and nobility
  • The mind regulates the Pranamaya Kosha or Vital Sheath
  • The intellect (Buddhi) is the discriminating and discerning process which examines and judges the stimuli received
  • The Blissful Sheath controls the Intellectual Sheath
  • Personality development moves from Annamaya Kosha to pure consciousness by gradually removing all five covers that mask it
  • Activities that challenge one's intellect develop Vijnanamaya Kosha, such as debates, problem-solving, study techniques, small research projects, evaluation, and appreciation of books
  • Regular eating habits, exercise, night food, and Yoga facilitate the development of Annamaya Kosha
  • To facilitate the development of Anandamaya Kosha, one can extend consciousness to reach the earth, the sun, the stars, the galaxies, and the universe
  • The innermost circle of consciousness according to Sri Aurobindo is called Psychic being or Atman
  • Human existence and its development is a major concern of psychology
  • The coverings or sheaths of Atman are called Koshas, which include Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vijnanamaya, and Anandamaya
  • The signs of healthy development of Annamaya Kosha include: fitness, agility, stamina, and endurance
  • Sri Aurobindo's perspective gives a concentric and a vertical model of being, similar to the development of Panch Koshas
  • The body is considered an effective instrument in the worship of God according to Indian psychology