World religion- Unit one Quiz #1 review

Cards (21)

  • Religion: a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency, usually involving devotional and ritual observances and moral code
  • Agnostic: a person who holds that the answers to the basic questions of existence, such as the nature of the ultimate cause and whether or not there is a supreme being are unknown and unknowledgeable. They deny or doubt the possibility of the ultimate knowledge of God
  • Atheist: a person who does not believe in the existence of a supreme being or beings
  • Secular: relating to worldly things or to things that are not regarded as religious, spiritual or sacred
  • monotheism: the doctrine or belief that there’s only one God. Ex. Judaism, christianity, islam
  • polytheism: the doctorine of belief that there is more than one god or many gods
  • sacred: connected with god(s) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving great respect
  • Credo: It means “I believe” and is the first word of many creeds such as the apostles creed and the nicene creed
  • empathy: the ability to understand and share feelings of another, the psychological identification with or imagining experiences, emotions, thoughts or attitudes of another. Empathy lets you walk in someone else’s shoes and see the situation from another perspective.
  • Golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated
  • Myth: a story that serves a sacred truth. A traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being with or without a basis of fact, or natural explanation, and explains some practice or phenomenon of nature. Typically involves a supernatural being
  • Multiculturalism: a policy and law that recognizes and supports the diversity of a nations or provinces population
  • Multicultural act: passed in 1988, safeguards the diversity of Canadians regarding race, national or ethnic origin, color, and religion
  • Religious pluralism: the coexistence of many religions in society, Canada, USA, India, are examples of where this exist
  • for religious pluralism to exist, people must follow these ground rules: respect the faith and religion of others, there’s no neutral stance, the truth of other religions (respect it), and accept the importance of religion
  • Syncretism: the attempt to blend the beliefs and practices of different religions into one system
  • Tolerance: an attitude that recognized the right of others to think, love, or worship according to their own beliefs
  • Lessons of Parable of the weeds: The sower is God, Enemy is devil, reapers are angels, and slaves are us/audience.
    1. the human condition is diverse- not all created the same
    2. Good and bad, friends and enemies must coexists
    3. At the end of time, people will be separated according to Gods will
  • Inter-religious dialogue: The discussion between faiths aimed at a mutual understanding and friendly relations
  • Types of inter-religious dialogue:
    1. The dialogue of everyday life
    2. The dialogue of action
    3. The dialogue of theological exchange
    4. The dialogue of religious experience
  • Five aspects of world religion:
    1. Sacred stories
    2. Sacred beliefs
    3. Sacred actions
    4. Sacred times
    5. Sacred spaces