Multi-store model of memory - has three components and shows how memory is obtained and moves through your short term memory into your long term memory
multi-store model of memory: it is made up of - sensory register (information from the senses), short term memory, long term memory
Multi-store memory model
A) information from senses
B) lost
C) attention
D) rehearsal
E) forgetting
F) forgetting
G) transfer
H) retrieval
multi store memory model (full)
Multi-store memory model (arrows)
who invented the MSM?
Atkinson and shiffon (1968)
Working memory model - a representation of short term memory that is a dynamic process of different types of information
working memory model is made up of: centralexecutive
phonological loop - articulatorycontrolsystem and phonologicalloop
visuospatialsketchpad - innerscribe and visualcache,
WMM: central executive - controls attention and directs information to the two slave systems. Has limited capacity
WMM: phonological loop - processes information in terms of sounds. Includes both written and spoken materials
WMM: Articulatory control system - allows for sub vocal repetition of items in the phonological store
WMM: phonological store - stores acoustic items (speech based sounds) short period of time
WMM: Visuo-spatial sketchpad - processes visual and spatial information
WMM: inner scribe - deals with the spatial relationship between objects
WMM: visual cache - stores visual information
WMM: episodic buffer - this component binds and integrates information from all the other components and sends information to the long term memory