Transforming Data

Cards (22)

  • non-parametric tests are less powerful
  • non-parametric test include the Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis
  • transforming data
    applying consistent mathematical expression to each point in the data to change the distribution to normal
  • if the transformed data meets parametric assumptions, the new data can be used instead of the original
  • all data must be transformed for it to be mathematically valid
  • transforming data does not change the relationship, just the difference
  • for testing skewed difference data, transform all samples
  • for testing skewed regression only transform the problem data
  • types of ways the transform data
    log, square root, arsin
  • log transformations are use when there is a positive skew or unequal variance
  • to tranform data with log you do log(X) or log10(X+1)
  • log squashes the right tail of the distribution reducing the positive skew
  • cant use log if the data contains 0 or negatives
  • square root transformation used for positive skew or unequal variance
  • to transform data with square root you do √X or √X+1
  • square root transformations cannot be used if there are negative numbers
  • square root transformations are good for very large data
  • arsin transformations used for binomial distribution and percentages
  • arsin flattens the distribution by stretching both tails
  • for an arsin transformation (√(X%/100))
  • for presenting data you must always back-transform
  • always report that you have transformed your data in the methods