Nature-nurture debate

Cards (6)

  • Nature-nurture debate - Nature:
    • Human characteristics are innate due to heredity
    • Mind is a blank slate as response to learning and experience as a result of the environment
  • Importance of heredity and environment - Diathesis-stress model:
    • Psychopathology is caused by a biological / genetic vulnerability (Diathesis) - Only expressed when coupled with a biological / environmental trigger (Stressor)
    • Tienari: Finnish adoptees - More likely to develop s had biological relatives with a history of the disorder (Vulnerability) + Relationships with their adoptive families defined as dysfunctional (Trigger)
  • Importance of heredity and environment - Epigenetics:
    • Change in our genetic activity without changing our genetic code - Caused by an interaction with our environment
  • Evaluation of natured-nurture debate - Shared and unshared environments:
    • Suggests individual differences mean that siblings may experience life events differently
    • Would explain the finding that even MZ twins reared together do not show perfect concordance rates
    Strength: Supports the view that heredity and the environment cannot be meaningfully separated
  • Evaluation of natured-nurture debate - Constructivism:
    • People create their own nurture - Actively selecting environments that are appropriate for their nature
    • Naturally an aggressive child - Feel more comfortable around children who show similar behaviours and will choose environment accordingly - Affecting their development
    Conclusion: Impossible and illogical - separate nature and nurture influences on the child's behaviour
  • Evaluation of natured-nurture debate - Relationship to other debates:
    • Nature / nurture - Corresponds to hard determinism
    • Suggests anatomy is destiny - Biological determinism
    • Interaction with the environment is all - Environmental determinism