MOLGENLAB A2: Fluorescence microscopy

Cards (47)

  • Fluorescence microscopy excites and observe fluorescent molecules.
  • Fluorescence microscopy is the most commonly used microscopy with
    • high resolution
    • sensitive with low background
    • multi-channel…
  • Fluorescence microscopy comes with variations (fancy names).
    • deconvolution,
    • OMX,
    • deltavision confocal,
    • spinning disc,
    • two photon
    • TIRF,
    • FRAP,
    • FRET,
    • FLIM,
    • iFRAP,
    • FCS
    • PALM,
    • STED,
    • STORM,
    • SIM,
    • (super-resolution)
  • With fluorescence microscope, you can:
    • Determine the localisation of specific (multiple) proteins
    • Determine the shape of organs, cells, intracellular structures
    • Examine the dynamics of proteins
    • Study protein interactions or protein conformation
    • Examine the ion concentration etc.
    • can observe in live cells
  • Fluorescence microscopy has an upright microscope light path.
  • The main parts of a fluorescence microscope are the: camera, filter cube, lamp, objective lens, and sample (for brightfield microscopy.
  • Fluorescence microscopy starts with the lamp (arc lamp).
    A) gas
    B) high voltage
  • Parts of fluorescent microscope
    A) camera
    B) filter cube
    C) lamp
    D) objective lens
    E) sample
    F) for brightfield microscopy
  • To obtain uniform illumination, centering or alignment of both lamp and mirror should be done. This is called as the Koeller illumination. The objective lens works as condenser.
  • Koeller illumination
    A) mirror
    B) lamp house
  • Koeller illumination
    A) sample plane
    B) illumination plane
    C) back focal plane
    D) focal plane
  • LASER or Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation is used for confocal microscopy or FRAP.
  • Property of light from lasers
    • High intensity
    • uniform wavelength, phase, polarity
    • can be tightly focused
  • Gases in laser diode can be Helium, Neon, Argon, and Krypton
  • Gases in lamps can be mercury and xenon.
  • Laser diodes can be gas or solid.
    A) pumping energy
    B) 100% mirror
    C) 99% mirror
  • Filters – the heart of fluorescence microscopy
  • Filter cube contains three filters
    A) dichroic mirror
    B) Emission filter
    C) Emission filter
    D) Excitation filter
    E) Excitation filter
    F) dichroic mirror
  • Filter wheels are often used for speed
    A) Emission filter wheel
    B) Excitation filter wheel
    C) dichroic mirror
  • One wheel + multiband pass filter. Selecting filter sets is critical for sensitivity, colour separation.
  • How to tell the property of filters
    A) Long Pass (LP) Filter
    B) Band Pass (BP) Filter
    C) Short pass (SP) filter
    D) Multiband pass filter
  • Objective lens – making it bigger
    A) Correction
    B) Magnification/NA
    C) Phase contrast or DIC
    D) Tube length / coverslip thickness
    E) Immersion media
  • Magnification /numerical aperture (NA)
    Resolution: propotional to 1/NA
    Brightness: propotional to (NA)4 / (magnification)2
  • Correction of optical aberration
    Better correction: Achromat>Fluorite>Apochromat
    Curveture of field: Plan
    Plan Apochromat is the best corrected (may not be the brightest)
    A) Ideal lense
    B) Spherical aberration
    C) Chromatic aberration
    D) Curveture of field
  • Other considerations of correction are Thick sample and Lack of Registration.
  • For thick samples,
    • Use a water-immersion lens (for live samples)
    • Use immersion oil with different reflactive index
    • Use a lens with a movable internal lens.
    A) Not corrected
    B) Corrected
    C) Immersion medium
    D) objective
  • For Lack of Registration, Light with different wavelengths from the same point does not focus on the same place which Can be caused by:
    • objective lens
    • filters
    • mechanical
  • Detectors – capturing data
    1. Eye
    2. Film
    3. PMT
    4. CCD
  • PMT (photo multiplier tube)
    • no space information
    • very high time resolution
    • used for laser scanning confocal microscope
  • CCD (charge coupled devise) camera
    • space information
    • low time resolution
    • very sensitive
    • (quantum efficiency: >70% vs 25% (PMT), 2% (film))
    • most commonly used
  • CCD camera – how it works
    1. Generate and accumulate charge in response to photon - charge is propotional to the number of photon can achieve high sensitivity by longer exposure
    2. Readout by transferring charges by one pixel to the next - slow download
  • Property of CCD camera
    Resolution: pixel size
    Field size: pixel number x size
    Time resolution: read-out rate (Hz)
    Dynamic range: bit (12,14 etc), full well capacity
    Sensitivity: quantum efficiency (wave-length dependent), "back-thinned" (QE >90%)
    Noise: cooling temperature
  • Property of CCD camera
    Monochrome vs Colour
    Colour camera is, in general,
    • less sensitive
    • less resolution
    • more expensive
  • Property of CCD camera
    A) Front illuminated
    B) Back illuminated, Back-thinned
    C) light
    D) electrode
    E) silicon
  • Reducing noise: on-chip amplification
    • Dark noise: significant at a long exposure, can be reduced by cooling the chip (-50, -70oC)
    • Readout noise: significant at a low signal, can be reduced by slow readout, on-chip amplification
  • Camera with on-chip amplification: EMCCD, EBCCD, iCCD
    (low readout noise, high readout rate)
    A) EMCCD (Electron multiplying CCD)
    B) On-chip amplifier
  • Useful function of CCD camera
    A) Binning
    B) no binning
    C) 2x binning
    D) Subarray readout
    E) full
    F) subarray
    G) up
  • Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
    • a process which vividly paints chromosomes or portions of chromosomes with fluorescent molecules
    • Opening picture - Human Mphase spread using DAPI stain
  • Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
    • Identifies chromosomal abnormalities
    • Aids in gene mapping, toxicological studies, analysis of chromosome structural aberrations, and ploidy determination
    • Used to identify the presence and location of a region of DNA or RNA within morphologically preserved chromosome preparations, fixed cells or tissue sections
  • Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
    This means you can view a segment or entire chromosome with your own eyes
    Was often used during M phase but is now used on I phase chromosomes as well