Fluorescence microscopy excites and observe fluorescent molecules.
Fluorescence microscopy is the most commonly used microscopy with
high resolution
sensitive with low background
Fluorescence microscopy comes with variations (fancy names).
deltavision confocal,
spinning disc,
two photon
With fluorescence microscope, you can:
Determine the localisation of specific (multiple) proteins
Determine the shape of organs, cells, intracellular structures
Examine the dynamics of proteins
Study protein interactions or protein conformation
Examine the ion concentration etc.
can observe in live cells
Fluorescence microscopy has an upright microscope light path.
The main parts of a fluorescence microscope are the: camera, filter cube, lamp, objective lens, and sample (for brightfield microscopy.
Fluorescence microscopy starts with the lamp (arc lamp).
A) gas
B) high voltage
Parts of fluorescent microscope
A) camera
B) filter cube
C) lamp
D) objective lens
E) sample
F) for brightfield microscopy
To obtain uniform illumination, centering or alignment of both lamp and mirror should be done. This is called as the Koeller illumination. The objective lens works as condenser.
Koeller illumination
A) mirror
B) lamp house
Koeller illumination
A) sample plane
B) illumination plane
C) back focal plane
D) focal plane
LASER or Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation is used for confocal microscopy or FRAP.
Property of light from lasers
High intensity
uniform wavelength, phase, polarity
can be tightly focused
Gases in laser diode can be Helium, Neon, Argon, and Krypton
Gases in lamps can be mercury and xenon.
Laser diodes can be gas or solid.
A) pumping energy
B) 100% mirror
C) 99% mirror
Filters – the heart of fluorescence microscopy
Filtercube contains three filters
A) dichroic mirror
B) Emission filter
C) Emission filter
D) Excitation filter
E) Excitation filter
F) dichroic mirror
Filterwheels are often used for speed
A) Emission filter wheel
B) Excitation filter wheel
C) dichroic mirror
One wheel + multiband pass filter. Selecting filter sets is critical for sensitivity, colour separation.
How to tell the property of filters
A) Long Pass (LP) Filter
B) Band Pass (BP) Filter
C) Short pass (SP) filter
D) Multiband pass filter
Objective lens – making it bigger
A) Correction
B) Magnification/NA
C) Phase contrast or DIC
D) Tube length / coverslip thickness
E) Immersion media
Magnification /numerical aperture (NA)
Resolution: propotional to 1/NA
Brightness: propotional to (NA)4 / (magnification)2
Correction of optical aberration
Better correction: Achromat>Fluorite>Apochromat
Curveture of field: Plan
Plan Apochromat is the best corrected (may not be the brightest)
A) Ideal lense
B) Spherical aberration
C) Chromatic aberration
D) Curveture of field
Other considerations of correction are Thick sample and Lack of Registration.
For thick samples,
Use a water-immersionlens (for live samples)
Use immersionoil with differentreflactive index
Use a lens with a movableinternal lens.
A) Not corrected
B) Corrected
C) Immersion medium
D) objective
For Lack of Registration, Light with different wavelengths from the same point does not focus on the same place which Can be caused by:
Detectors – capturing data
PMT (photomultipliertube)
nospace information
veryhigh time resolution
used for laserscanningconfocal microscope
CCD (charge coupled devise) camera
space information
low time resolution
very sensitive
(quantum efficiency: >70% vs 25% (PMT), 2% (film))
most commonly used
CCD camera – how it works
Generate and accumulate charge in response to photon - charge is propotional to the number of photon can achieve high sensitivity by longer exposure
Readout by transferring charges by one pixel to the next - slow download
Property of CCD camera
Resolution: pixel size
Field size: pixel number x size
Time resolution: read-out rate (Hz)
Dynamic range: bit (12,14 etc), full well capacity
Dark noise: significant at a long exposure, can be reduced by cooling the chip (-50, -70oC)
Readout noise: significant at a low signal, can be reduced by slow readout, on-chip amplification
Camera with on-chip amplification: EMCCD, EBCCD, iCCD
(low readout noise, high readout rate)
A) EMCCD (Electron multiplying CCD)
B) On-chip amplifier
Useful function of CCD camera
A) Binning
B) no binning
C) 2x binning
D) Subarray readout
E) full
F) subarray
G) up
Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
a process which vividly paints chromosomes or portions of chromosomes with fluorescent molecules
Opening picture - Human Mphase spread using DAPI stain
Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
Identifies chromosomal abnormalities
Aids in gene mapping, toxicological studies, analysis of chromosomestructural aberrations, and ploidy determination
Used to identify the presence and location of a region of DNA or RNA within morphologically preserved chromosome preparations, fixed cells or tissue sections
Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
This means you can view a segment or entire chromosome with your own eyes
Was often used during M phase but is now used on I phase chromosomes as well