During cell division, chromatin threads coil, condense and shorten to form chromosomes, which can only be seen when the cell is actively dividing
appears rough when viewed under the electronmicroscope due to the ribosomes attached to its outersurface.
Outersurface is attached to the nuclearmembrane
(function) transportsproteins made by ribosomes to the Golgi body for secretionoutofthecell
tubular, connected to the RER & does not have ribosomes attached
(Function) synthesises substances such as fats and steroids(sex hormones, testosterone) & convertsharmfulsubstances into harmlesssubstances through a process known as detoxification done in the liver mainly
small round structures attached to the RER or liefreely in the cytoplasm
(function) synthesis proteins
the ones attached to the RER synthesise proteins that are transportedout of the cell
the ones lyingfreelysynthesiseproteins that are used within the cytoplasm of the cell
Golgi body
(function) chemically modifies substances made by ER & stores and packages the substances in vesicles(tiny spherical spaces enclosed by a membrane, transports substncaes within the cell) for secretion out of the cell
vesicles can be seen fusing with one side of the Golgi body & pinching off from the opposite side
process of secretion of cell (golgi body)
substances made by the ER are pinchedoff from the ER through small vesicles
vesicles fuse with the Golgi body & release their contents into the Golgi body
substances made by the ER may be modified in the golgibody
secretory vesicles containing the modified substances are pinchedoff from the golgi body
vesicles move to the cellsurfacemembrane and fuse and their contents are released
small oval and sausage shaped & has a double membrane
(function) oxidises glucose to releasealargeamountofenergy during aerobic respiration.Energyreleased is used for manycellularactivities such as activetransport,celldivision, muscle contraction
site for photosynthesis
contains a greenpigment called chlorophyll(absorbslightenergy to be convertedintoCPEstored in glucose during photosynthesis)
fluidfilled space enclosed by a partiallypermeablecellsurfacemembrane
(function) maintain water potential for absorptionofwater & exertturgor pressure to keep plant cells turgid
stores substanceswithin a cell
animals cells have manytemporary,small vacuoles containing water & dissolved food molecules(eg. Glucose, amino acids)
plant cells have a singular, largecentral vacuole containing cellsap(contains dissolvedsubstances eg. sugars,mineralsalts, amino acids)
differentiation is the process by which acellbecomesspecialisedforaspecificfunction
lacks a nucleus - enables the cell to storemorehaemoglobin to transportmoreoxygentoallbodycells
contains haemoglobin - haemoglobinbinds with oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin and transports oxygen from lungs to allbodycells
circular and biconcave shape - increasessurfacearea to volumeratio so that more oxygen can diffusein and out of the RBC at a fasterrate
elastic (flexible) - allows the RBC to squeezethroughbloodvessels smaller than itselfeasier
Root hair cells and its adaptations
(function) absorptionofwater & dissolved mineral saltsfromthesoil
has a long and narrowprotrusion which increases the surface area to volumeratiotoabsorbwater and dissolved mineral salts from the soil at a faster rate
Muscle cells
contains manymitochondria
a largeamount of energy is released through aerobicrespiration in the mitochondria to provideenergy for musclecells to contract & relax
Why does the RBC lack a nucleus
To store more haemoglobin to transport more oxygen from lungs to body cells