Information Disorder:is the sharing or developing of false information with or without the intent of harming.
The three types of information disorder are: Misinformation, Disinformation,Mal Information
Misinformation:Provides false connection or incorrect information and misleading content information that is false,but not created with the intention of causing harm.
Examples of Misinformation are:Rumors,insults,pranks
Disinformation:false context or false deliberately and often covertly spread as by (planting the rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth,impostor content,manipulated and fabricated content.
Disinformation: information that is false and deliberately created to harm a person,social group,organization or country.
Disinformation:examples Malicious content such as hoaxes,spear phishing and propaganda.
Mal information: information that is based on reality used to inflict harm on a person,organization or country.
Mal information: examples phising catfishing,doxing,swatting and revenge porn.
Fabricated content: new content is 100% false design to deceived the readers.
Fabricated content: example fake news in Facebook spread.
Imposter content: it is when genuine resource are impersonated.It falsely used as well known name,brand or logo to full people into believing that it is authentic content.
Misleading content: it is the misleading use of information to frame an issue.
Misleading content: this type of content is when there is an misleading use of information to frame issue or individuals in certain ways by cropping photos, or choosing quotes.
Satire: this has no intention to cause harm but has the potential to fool.
Satire: always involves at least some degree (and often a great degree of social commentary and criticism.
False connection: this happens when headlines,visual,and caption do not support the content.
This is an example of false connection past participants how believable is the post when add lines visual or captions do not support the content.
False content: when genuine content is shared with false context information.
False content: content is often seen as recirculated out of its original context.
Manipulated content: this is when genuine information or imagenary is manipulated to deceive.
Manipulated content: manipulated media is when an aspect of genuine content is altered.