Health (Exercise and Active Recall)

Cards (24)

  • is changing your outlook in order to see a situation in a more positive way
  • The body changes that occur from experiencing stress is called
    General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
  • This is the stage when a person experiences
    "flight or fight" feeling. A person's body at this stage releases "stress hormones" such as adrenaline. It enables a person to do things he/she does not usually do.
    Alarm Stage
  • This is the stage when they body has already responded to the stressor. A person in this stage continuously experiences the "stress". But the strong feeling is less than the previous stage.
    Resistance Stage
  • This is the stage when a person slowly loses the energy to manage the stress. This is also referred to as the "gate toward burnout or stress overload" (Sincero, 2012).
    Exhaustion Stage
  • refers to the end of the physical being of a person that is caused by an illness, ageing, or an accident.
  • Occurs when someone dies or a life situation changes or ends
  • refers to "the emotional suffering caused by a loss, disaster, or misfortune" (Meeks, et al,, 2007).
    1. death caused by prolonged sickness or anticipated death showing little emotion after death due to experienced grief prior to death.
    Low-Grief Death
  • unexpected death where grieving process may be more emotional and longer because no preparation for death was done.
    High-Grief Death
  • Causes of Mental Disorders
    Life Situation and Experiences, Physical Conditions
    1. includes insecurities in early life like broken homes, loss of loved ones, marital problems, financial difficulties, unemployment, and others.
    Life Situations and Experiences
  • includes fever, intoxication of alcohol and drugs, trauma like head injuries, senility, and disturbance of endocrine glands
    Physical Conditions
  • also referred to as affective disorders, this is a condition impacting mood and related functions.
    Mood Disorder
  • also called as manic-depressive disorder. It is a "form of depression characterized by alternating mania and depression"'
    Bipolar Disorder
  • a "mental illness with biological origins that is characterized by irrational behavior, severe alterations of the senses and often inability to function in the society"
  • mental health condition resulting from unbearable traumatic or terrifying events.
    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • is an anxiety disorder where the person experiences recurring obsessions and compulsions
    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • a chronic or continuing and non- adaptive behavior of dealing with other people and life changes.
    Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
  • Refers to a positive and healthy response of the body from the stressor.
  • Refers to a negative reaction of the body towards a given Stressor.
  • Is defined as the physiological or physical and emotional responses to a significant or unexpected change or disruption in one’s life.
  • Refers to the things that make a person stressed
  • What are the two kinds of Stressors?
    Eustress and Distress