Reliability and validity

Cards (8)

  • Inter rater reliability:
    • The consistency between two different interviewers.
    • ie. how the two interviewers behave and influence the participant's answers.
  • External reliability:
    • A measure of whether something varies from one time to another.
    • ie. is consistent over time
    • ie. test-retest where the same psychological test is given to the same participants on two occasions to see if the same result is obtained.
  • Internal reliability:
    • A measure of whether a questionnaire is consistent within itself.
    • ie split- half- method. Test items are split into two halves and the scores on both halves are compared.
    • Scores should be similar if test is reliable
  • External validity:
    • Concerns the extent to which the results from a questionnaire or interview can be generalised beyond the particular study.
  • External validity (population validity):
    • concerns the extent to which the results of a study can be generalised to other groups of people besides the participants who took part in the study.
  • External validity (ecological validity):
    • concerns the ability to generalise a research effect beyond the particular setting which it is demonstrated to other settings.
    • In a questionnaire or interview, the issue is whether responses to questions on a topic actually represent the target behaviour.
  • Internal validity:
    • Concerns whether a test (questionnaire) does assess what it intends to assess.
  • (Internal validity) Researcher bias:
    • An interviewer has expectations and beliefs which may be unconsciously communicated through to participants.
    • ie tone of voicing or phrasing of a question.