ppt 4

Cards (18)

  • Health Belief model is taking action to avoid an unwanted health outcome
  • Perceived susceptibility is an individual's perception to their ability to be unhealthy
  • Perceived severity is the perception of how bad it could get if left untreated
  • Perceived Benefits is the perceived effectiveness of taking treatment
  • Perceived Barriers are the obstacles in the way of their health
  • "I am slim so I don't need to work out" this is perceived benefits
  • "I'm not going to get heart disease at my age" This is Perceived Susceptibility
  • "Diabetes isn't that serious, I can control it with meds" This is perceived severity
  • "I don't have money to meal prep" this is perceived barrier
  • The protection motivation theory's goal is to explain why specific health behaviors occur. This is different from the HBM because this is a theory
  • Both the HBM and the PMT don't account for social norms or people's love for exercise
  • ammotivation>external regulation>Introjected regulation / Identified regulation > Integrated regulation > Intrinsic motivation
  • Extrinsic Motivation is solely for a reward
  • Introjected is a "should" do this
  • Identified motivation is who you are "I am an athlete, so I lift"
  • Intrinsic motivation is because you want to do it for yourself, not because someone else is telling you to do it
  • Ammotivation is the lack of will to do anything
  • The three innate psychological needs are autonomy, relatedness and competence. If all three are met it is intrinsically motivated