Neuro Physiology

Cards (104)

  • Generation and Propagation
    - places substantial demands on neurons energy resources
    - mitochondria generates energy needed by active neuron
  • Functional classifications of neurons
    1. Sensory neurons
    2. Motor neurons
    3. Interneurons
  • Sensory Neurons
    - Unipolar
    - Cell bodies grouped in sensory ganglia
    - Processes (afferent fibers) extend from sensory receptors to CNS
    - Somatic sensory neurons
    • Monitor external environment
    - Visceral sensory neurons
    • Monitor internal environment
  • Types of Sensory Receptors
    - Interoceptors
    • Monitor internal systems (e.g., digestive, urinary)
    • Internal senses (stretch, deep pressure, pain)
    - Exteroceptors
    • Monitor external environment (e.g., temperature) 
    • Complex senses (e.g., sight, smell, hearing)
    - Proprioceptors
    • Monitor position and movement of skeletal muscles and joints
  • Motor neurons
    - Carry instructions from CNS to peripheral effectors
    • Via efferent fibers (axons) 
    - Somatic motor neurons of SNS 
    • Innervate skeletal muscles
    - Visceral motor neurons of ANS
    • Innervate all other peripheral effectors
    • Smooth and cardiac muscle, glands, adipose tissue
    - Signals from CNS to visceral effectors cross autonomic ganglia that divide axons into
    • Preganglionic fibers***
    • Postganglionic fibers***
  • Interneurons
    - Most are in brain and spinal cord 
    • Some in autonomic ganglia
    - Located between sensory and motor neurons
    - Responsible for
    • Distribution of sensory information
    • Coordination of motor activity 
    - Involved in higher functions
    • Memory, planning, learning
  • Neuroglia
    - Support and protect neurons 
    - Make up half the volume of the nervous system
    - Many types in CNS and PNS
    • Astrocytes
    • Ependymal cells 
    • Oligodendrocytes
    • Microglia
  • Astrocytes
    - Have large cell bodies with many processes 
    - Function to
    • Maintain blood brain barrier (BBB)
    • Create three-dimensional framework for CNS
    • Repair damaged nervous tissue
    • Guide neuron development
    • Control interstitial environment
  • Ependymal cells
    - Form epithelium that lines central canal of spinal cord and ventricles of brain
    - Produce and monitor cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
    - Have cilia that help circulate CSF
  • Oligodendrocytes
    - Have small cell bodies with few processes
    - Many cooperate to form a myelin sheath
    • Myelin insulates myelinated axons
    • Increases speed of action potentials 
    • Makes nerves appear white
    Internodes — myelinated segments of axon
    Nodes (nodes of Ranvier) lie between internodes
    • Where axons may branch
    White matter
    • Regions of CNS with many myelinated axons
    Gray matter of CNS
    • Contains unmyelinated axons, neuron cell bodies, and dendrites
  • Microglia
    - Smallest and least numerous neuroglia
    - Have many fine-branched processes
    Migrate through nervous tissue
    Clean up cellular debris, wastes, and pathogens
  • Neuroglia in PNS
    - Insulate neuronal cell bodies and most axons 
    - Two types
    • Satellite cells
    • Schwann cells
  • Satellite cells
    - Surround ganglia (clusters of neuronal cell bodies) 
    - Regulate interstitial fluid around neurons
  • Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes)
    - Form myelin sheath or indented folds of plasma membrane around axons
    Neurolemma — outer surface of Schwann cell
    - A myelinating Schwann cell sheaths only one axon
    • Many Schwann cells sheath entire axon
  • Membrane potential
    - Living cells have membrane potential that varies from moment to moment & depends on activities
    - Resting membrane potential
    • The membrane potential of a resting cell
    • Difference between + and – ions on either side of the membrane
      • Inside of cell is negative relative to outside of cell (ICF is -70mV)
  • Membrane Potential
    - Graded potential
    • Temporary, localized change in resting potential, decreases with distance
    • Caused by a stimulus
    • if big enough can trigger action potential
    - Action potential
    • Is an electrical impulse
    • Produced by graded potential
    • Propagates along surface of axon to synapse
  • Membrane Potential
    - Equilibrium potential
    • Membrane potential at which there is no net movement of a particular ion across cell membrane
    • K+ =–90mV
    • Na+ =+66mV
    • Plasma membrane is highly permeable to K+
    - Explains similarity of equilibrium potential for K+ and resting membrane potential (–70 mV)
    • Resting membrane’s permeability to Na+ is very low
    - Na+ has a small effect on resting potential
  • Resting membrane potential
    - Three important concepts
    1. The extracellular fluid (ECF) and intracellular fluid (cytosol) differ greatly inionic composition 
    • Extracellular fluid: high concentrations of Na+ and Cl–
    • Cytosol contains high concentrations of K+ and negatively charged proteins (stimulates change in membrane potential)
    2. Cells have selectively permeable membranes
    3. Membrane permeability varies by ion (maintains homeostasis)
  • Resting Membrane Potential
    - Na+ and K+ are the primary determinants of membrane potential 
    • Na+ and K+ channels are either passive or active
    - Passive ion channels (leak channels)
    • Are always open
    • Permeability changes with conditions
    - Active ion channels (gated ion channels)
    • Open and close in response to stimuli
    • At resting membrane potential, most are closed
  • Processes that produce resting membrane
    - passive chemical gradient:
    • intracellular K+ is high, K+ leak channels move them out of cell
    • extracellular Na+ is high, Na+ leak channels move them into cell
    - Active Na+/K+ Pumps
    - passive electrical gradient:
    • K+ leaves more rapidly, more permeable, more positive charge outside
    • negatively charged protein molecules cannot cross, more negative inside
    - resting membrane potential: -70mV
  • Passive processes
    - Passive processes acting across cell membrane, influences how specific ions will move across membrane
    • Chemical gradients
    - Concentration gradients of ions (Na+, K+) 
    • Electrical gradients
    - Charges are separated by cell membrane
    - Cytosol is negative relative to extracellular fluid
    • Electrochemical gradient
    - Sum of chemical and electrical forces acting on an ion across the membrane
    - A form of potential energy
  • Electrochemical Gradients at resting potential:
    - intracellular K+ is higher, chemical gradient drives K+ out, but K+ is attracted to negative environment inside cell and repelled by positive charges outside cell
    • net electrochemical gradient pushes K+ out (small)
    • if freely permeable, pressure in and out are equal
  • Electrochemical gradient at resting potential:
    - intracellular Na+ is lower, chemical gradient tends to drive Na+ in, Na+ is also attracted to negative environment inside cell and repelled by positive outside cell
    • net electrochemical gradient pushes Na+ in (big)
    • if freely permeable, would move differently
  • Active process:
    - Active processes across the membrane 
    • Sodium–potassium exchange pump
    - Powered by ATP
    - Ejects 3 Na+ for every 2 K+ brought in
    - Balances passive forces of diffusion
    - Stabilizes resting membrane potential (–70 mV)
    • When ratio of Na+ entry to K+ loss, passive channels is 3:2
    - at resting potential, Na+ is ejected as quickly as they enter the cell to maintain homeostasis and resting membrane potential
  • Active process - Active channel
    - Types of active channels, exists to respond to specific stimuli
    1. Chemically gated ion channels
    2. Voltage-gated ion channels
    3. Mechanically gated ion channels
  • Chemically Gated Ion Channels
    - Open when they bind specific chemicals (e.g., ACh)
    - Found on cell body and dendrites of neurons
    - binding sites allow opening of gate to let product in
  • Voltage gated ion channels
    - Respond to changes in membrane potential, extracellular changes
    - Found in axons of neurons and sarcolemma of skeletal and cardiac muscle cells
    - Activation gate opens when stimulated
    - Inactivation gate closes to stop ion movement when stabilized
    - Three possible states
    1. Closed but capable of opening
    2. Open (activated)
    3. Closed and incapable of opening (inactivated)
  • Mechanically Gated ion channels
    - Respond to membrane distortion
    - Found in sensory receptors that respond to touch, pressure, or vibration
  • Graded vs Action Potential
    - Graded potential
    • Temporary, localized change in resting potential
    • Caused by a stimulus that often trigger cell functions
    • Exocytosis of glandular secretions
    - Action potential
    • Brief, rapid, large (100mv) change in membrane potential
    • Needed for neurons to conduct impulse, responses in bodies
    • Produced by graded potential
  • Graded potential
    - Graded potentials (local potentials)
    • Changes in membrane potential
    - cannot spread far from site of stimulation
    • Produced by any stimulus that opens gated channels u 
    - E.g. a resting membrane is exposed to a chemical
    • Chemically gated Na+ channels open
    • Sodium ions enter cell
    • Membrane potential rises (depolarization)
    • Sodium ions move parallel to plasma membrane
    - Producing local current
    - Which depolarizes nearby regions of plasma membrane (graded potential)
    - Change in potential is proportional to stimulus
  • Characteristics of graded potentials
    - Membrane potential is most changed at site of stimulation; effect decreases with distance
    - Effect spreads passively, due to local currents
    - Graded change in membrane potential may involve depolarization or hyperpolarization
    - Stronger stimuli produce greater changes in membrane potential and affect a larger area
    - Often trigger specific cell functions
    • Example: exocytosis of glandular secretions
    - ACh causes graded potential at motor end plate at neuromuscular junction
  • Graded potential sequence
    - At resting membrane, closed chemically gated sodium ion channels
    1. Stimulation: membrane exposed to chemical that opens the Na+ ion channels, allow Na+ influx
    2. Graded potential: spread of Na+ along inner surface produces a local current that depolarizes adjacent portions of the plasma membrane
  • Graded Potential
    - Repolarization
    • When the stimulus is removed, membrane potential returns to normal
    - Hyperpolarization
    • Results from opening potassium ion channels 
    • Positive ions move out, not into cell
    - Opposite effect of opening sodium ion channels 
    • Increases the negativity of the resting potential
  • Graded Sequence
    - chemical stimulus applied, depolarization (more positive), chemical stimulus removed, repolarization (more negative), resting membrane potential
    - chemical stimulus applied, hyperpolarization, chemical stimulus removed, return to resting membrane potential
  • Action potential (nerve impulses)
    - Propagated changes in membrane potential
    - Affect an entire excitable membrane
    - Begin at initial segment of axon
    - Do not diminish as they move away from source
    - Stimulated by a graded potential that depolarizes the axolemma to threshold
    • Threshold for an axon is –60 to –55 mV, once reached, action potential is initiated
  • Action potential
    - All-or-none principle
    • Any stimulus that changes the membrane potential to threshold
    - Will cause an action potential 
    • All action potentials are the same
    - No matter how large the stimulus
    • An action potential is either triggered or not triggered
  • Generation of action potentials
    - Step 1: Depolarization to threshold
    - Step 2: Activation of voltage-gated Na+ channels
    • Na+ rushes into cytosol
    • Inner membrane surface changes from - to +
    • Results in rapid depolarization
    - Step 3: Inactivation of Na+ channels and activation of K+ channels
    • At +30 mV, inactivation gates of voltage-gated Na+ channels close
    • Voltage-gated K+ channels open
    • Repolarization begins
    • K+ moves out of cytosol
  • Generation of action potential
    - Step 4: Return to resting membrane potential 
    • Voltage-gated K+ channels begin to close
    - As membrane reaches normal resting potential
    - K+ continues to leave cell
    - Membrane is briefly hyperpolarized to –90 mV
    • After all voltage-gated K+ channels finish closing
    - Resting membrane potential is restored
    - Action potential is over
  • Refractory period
    - From beginning of action potential
    - To return to resting state
    - During which the membrane will not respond normally to additional stimuli
  • Refractory period
    Absolute refractory period (depolarization)
    • All voltage-gated Na+ channels are already open or inactivated
    • Membrane cannot respond to further stimulation
    Relative refractory period
    • Begins when Na+ channels regain resting condition
    • Continues until membrane potential stabilizes
    • Only a strong stimulus can initiate another action potential
    (repolarization starts in absolute, ends in relative)