Cards (3)

    • There are many contested borders and not all nation states are universally recognised -> For instance, Taiwan is not recognised as a sovereign state by China
    • This can lead to both potential conflict and population movements
    • The Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 was a secret deal between France and Britain, to divide parts of the Middle East between themselves
    • This agreement continues to influence the borders of today's nation states, including Iraq
  • Causes for contested borders include:
    • One state wishing to take over another (Russia v Ukraine)
    • A wish to unite culturally and ethnically similar populations
    -> Turkey, Iraq and Syria promised a separate state
    • A desire to obtain access to valuable resources
    -> China is claiming the Eleven-dash line
  • Ukraine / Russia / Crimea:
    • Crimea was considered part of Russia for many centuries, but in 1954 it became part of the Ukraine
    • In 2014, the then pro-Russian Ukraine president was forced out, and Russia annexed Crimea 
    • Crimea's population voted to re-join Russia, however, few countries recognise Russia's claim
    • They argue that all of Ukraine should have voted, not just Crimea
    • Crimea is a strategic area of the Black Sea with vast reserves of oil and gas