The large data set

Cards (14)

  • Daily mean temperature (degrees Celsius) is the average of the hourly temperature readings during a 24 hour period
  • Daily total rainfall includes solid precipitation such as snow and hail. Amounts less than 0.05mm is recorded as 'tr' or 'trace'
  • Daily total sunshine is recorded to the nearest 10th of an hour
  • Daily mean wind direction and windspeed is measured in knots, averaged over 24 hrs from midnight to midnight. Mean wind directions are given in bearings and as compass directions
  • The data for mean windspeed is also categorised according to Beaufort scale
  • A knot is a nautical mile per hour
    1kn = 1.15mph
  • 0 on the Beaufort scale is described at calm, 1- 3 is light, 4 is moderate, 5 is fresh
  • Daily maximum gust in knots, is the highest instantaneous windspeed recorded
  • Daily maximum relative humidity is given as a percentage of air saturation with water vapour
  • Leuchars is the furthest North and is located in
  • Perth is located in the southern hemisphere and on the coast of australia
  • Daily mean cloud cover is measured in oktas or eighths of the sky covered by cloud
  • Daily mean visibility is measured in decametres. This is the greatest horizontal distance at which an object can be seen in daylight
  • Daily mean pressure is measured in hectopascals