also called a proportion of the quotient of the sum of the two numbers.
A good example is number of deaths per population
ratio involving a time
count or measurement is observed over a period and then divided by its base or population of observation.
Incidence Rate measures the frequency of occurrence of the phenomenon during a given period of time. Deals only with new cases.
Prevalence rate measures the proportion of the population that exhibits a particular disease at a particulartime. This can only be determined following a survey of the population concerned. Deals with total (OLD and NEW) number of cases.
Also known as attack rate, case, sickness rate morbidity rate
It refers to newly discovered cases of a particular disease
It answers the question “how frequent do cases of a particular disease occur during a given period of time”
Used when dealing with acute conditions and accidents
It refers to the newly discovered and old cases of a particular disease over a population
Used when dealing with chronic conditions and disabilities
It answers the question “what proportion of the group or population is actually ill with a particular disease at a point in time.
Usually determined by means of survey
Crude Birth rate (CBR)
This is a measure of fertility of the population
the rate is called crude for the following reasons
Only live births are counted
The denominator is the total population which includes children, old people and males
The rate is expressed in population unit of 1000 to make the figures meaningful
Crude Death Rate (CDR)
This is a measure of the risk of dying from all causes in a population.
The Crude Birth Rate (CBR) and Crude Death Rate (CDR)
statistical values that can be utilized to measure the growth or decline of a population.
measured by the rate of births or deaths respectively among a population of 1000.
determined by taking the total number of births or deaths in a population and dividing both values by a number to obtain the rate per 1000.
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR)
Measure the risk of dying due to the process of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium.
It also measures the adequacy of maternal health services
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)
Measures the risk of dying due to infancy (under 1 year of age)
deaths under 1 year of age/ number of live births x 1000
Neonatal Mortality Rate
Measures the risk of dying in the first four weeks of life of the infant (newborn)
The number of children dying under 28 days of age divided by the number of live births that year
(Number of infant death / number of life birth) X 1000
Fetal Death Rate
Measures the risk of dying before birth
Perinatal MortalityRate
The word means around the period of birth (a month or more before births and one month after birth)
Measures the lossoflife in laterpregnancy and early infancy.