Cards (113)

  • Psychology is from the Greek word Psyche meaning Mind and Logos meaning study or knowledge
  • Psychologists are highly trained professionals but does not prescribe medicines
  • Psychiatrist are licensed to prescribe medicine
  • Counselors works on normal issues such as in a work or school setting
  • there are two types of behaviors: overt behavior and covert behavior
  • Overt Behavior are the observable actions and responses
  • Covert behaviors are internal activities such as thinking, remembering, dreaming, and other internal events
  • Empirical Evidences are based on direct observations
  • Scientific Observations are systematic (Carefully planned), Intersubjective (Confirmed by more than one observer), and based on empirical evidences.
  • Scientific observation used by psychologists to systematically answer questions about behavior.
  • Personality theorists studies personality trait, motivation, and individual differences.
  • Perception and Sensation psychologists study how we discern the world through our senses. They use perceptual theory to study how we are able to recognize faces in the crowd.
  • Learning Theorists studies how learning occurs in humans and animals
  • Developmental Psychologists studies the growth and development of a person
  • Comparative Psychologists studies the differences of behaviors between human and animals
  • Cognitive Psychologists takes interest in thinking, remembering, memory, problem solving, and other mental processes in relation to computer gaming,
  • Biopsychology studies how behavior relates to biological processes (How the brain controls the hunger)
  • Social Psychologists explore human social behavior such as attitudes, persuasion, riots, conformity, and etc,
  • Evolutionary Psychologists investigates how our behavior is guided by patterns that evolved during the long history of humankind
  • Cultural Psychologists studies how human culture affect behavior
  • Forensic Psychologists applies psychological principles to legal issues.
  • 4 goals of psychology: Define, understand, predict, and control
  • (Naming and Classifying). It answers the question "What is the nature of this behavior?
  • Animal Models
    • Used to discover principles that applies to human.
  • Understand (Explain an event)Usually means we can state the causes of a behavior. Why does it occur?
  • PredictAbility to forecast behavior accurately-Can we forecast when it will occur?
  • Control Behavior
    • Simply refers to altering conditions that affect behavior.  
    • Emanates to every action that a psychologists does.
    • What condition affect it?
  • Critical Thinking
    • heart of critical thinking is a willingness to actively reflect on ideas. 
    • reflection that involves evaluating, comparing, analyzing, critiquing, and synthesizing information. 
    takes the form of collecting empirical evidence to evaluate theories, as guided by the scientific method
  • Critical Thinkers are willing to challenge conventional wisdom by asking the hard questions.
    1. Phrenology (Franz Gall) Assess personality characteristics by examining various areas of the skull.
    1. Palmistry Claims that the lines in our hand reveals our personality and predicts our future
    1. Graphology  Indicates that our handwriting reveals our personality  traits.
    1. Astrology
    • The most prominent pseudopsychology
    • Uncritical Acceptance is The tendency to believe the positive or flattering descriptions of yourself.
    • Confirmation Bias is When an astrological description contains a mixture of good and bad traits, it may seem accurate.
  • The Barnum effect is the tendency  to consider personal descriptions as accurate if  they are stated in general terms.
  • Scientific Method is Form of critical thinking based on careful collection of evidence, accurate description and measurement, precise definition, controlled observation, and repeatable results.
  • Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920)
    Made psychology an independent science and separate from Philosophy. Father of  Psychology that studies the conscious experience of a person. Sensations, images, and feelings make up personal experience
  • Stimulus are Any physical energy  that affects a person and evokes a response.
  • Introspection is looking inward to probe reaction to various stimuli.