20 Cell Signalling

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  • Cell Signalling

    • Cell signalling involves three main stages: ligand-receptor interaction (also known as reception), signal transduction, and cellular response
    • Cell signalling can trigger diverse cellular responses depending on the type of signal molecule, signal transduction pathway, and cell
    • Cells employ feedback mechanisms to regulate signalling processes, with negative feedback helping to maintain homeostasis
  • Cell signalling is the fundamental process by which specific information is transferred from the cell surface to the cytosol and ultimately to the nucleus, leading to changes in gene expression
  • Ligand (signal molecule) binds to a specific ligand-binding site of a protein receptor to form a ligand-receptor complex
  • Types of Receptors
    • G-protein coupled Receptor
    • Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (RTK)
    • Ion Channel Receptor (not in syllabus)
  • Ligand-binding site is structurally complementary to the ligand
  • Receptor – protein that binds and transduces the message of the signal molecule into a cellular response
  • Overview of the Stages of Cell Signalling
    1. Stage 1: Reception
    2. Stage 2: Signal Transduction
    3. Stage 3: Cellular Response
  • Types of Cell Communication
    • Direct communication which involves physical contact between interacting cells
    • Indirect communication which involves extracellular chemical messengers or signal molecules that bind to receptors
  • Signal transduction – a series of steps by which signals are conveyed into the target cell where they are transformed into a cellular response
  • Regulation of Blood Glucose Concentration & Specific Examples of Receptors
    1. Glucagon and G-protein signalling
    2. Insulin and Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (RTK) signalling
  • Ligand – a signal molecule that binds specifically to another molecule, usually a receptor. Known as extracellular chemicals/first messengers
  • Ligand
    Signalling molecule (e.g. hormones, growth factors) that binds to a specific ligand-binding site of a protein receptor
  • Ligand-receptor interaction
    Ligand binds to a specific ligand-binding site of a protein receptor to form a ligand-receptor complex
  • Ligand-receptor interaction
    Specific due to ligand being complementary in shape and charge to the extracellular ligand-binding site of the receptor, initiating a cellular response in that specific target cell
  • Binding of ligand to protein receptor
    Causes a conformational change in the protein receptor which initiates signal transduction
  • Signal transduction
    Signal is converted to a form that can bring about a specific cellular response. Can occur in a single step or in a series of multiple steps in a signal transduction pathway
  • Ligand-binding site

    Structurally complementary to the ligand
  • Signal transduction pathway
    Mediated by intracellular signalling proteins such as kinases (that carry out phosphorylation), or small molecules and ions such as cAMP (secondary messengers)
  • Protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are types of post-translational modifications that help regulate protein function
  • Phosphorylation cascade
    Sequence of events where one enzyme phosphorylates another, causing a chain reaction leading to the phosphorylation of thousands of proteins
  • Function of a signal transduction pathway
    • To change the behaviour of a cell
  • Signal amplification produces a large number of an intracellular mediator from a relatively small number of extracellular signals
  • Many relay molecules in signal-transduction pathways are protein kinases
  • Signal-transduction pathways may involve a phosphorylation cascade where protein kinases successively add a phosphate group to activate the next protein in line
  • A small number of extracellular signal molecules can activate a large amount of intracellular molecules and produce a large cellular response in a signal transduction pathway
  • Most proteins are activated by phosphorylation and deactivated by dephosphorylation
  • Types of receptors
    • Cell surface receptors
    • Intracellular receptors
  • Protein phosphorylation
    Addition of phosphate groups to proteins, a major mechanism of signal transduction
  • Signal transduction pathway
    1. Starts after reception
    2. Involves multiple steps
    3. Involves phosphorylation cascade
    4. Involves signal amplification
  • Protein dephosphorylation
    Removal of phosphate groups from proteins, a way of deactivating proteins
  • Protein kinases add phosphate groups from ATP to proteins during phosphorylation, while protein phosphatases remove phosphate groups from proteins by hydrolysis during dephosphorylation
  • Protein phosphatases turn off the signal-transduction pathway in the absence of the extracellular signal, shutting down the signalling pathway and cellular response
  • Signal molecule binding to receptor protein
    Causes a conformational change that allows the receptor protein to function as a transcription factor
  • Signal transduction
    Series of changes in cellular proteins that converts an extracellular chemical signal to a specific intracellular response
  • Reception in signal transduction pathway
    Signal molecule binds to the extracellular ligand-binding site of receptor protein, causing a conformational change in the intracellular domain of receptor protein, activating it to interact with other cellular molecules
  • Activation of adenylyl cyclase by active G protein and activation of protein kinase A by cyclic AMP do not result in signal amplification
  • Signal amplification
    At each step, one molecule acts on many other molecules, producing a large amount of the final product
  • Signal transduction can proceed even with very little amount of signal molecules/receptors at the start
  • Same cells
    Can have the same response to different signals
  • Different cell types
    Can have different responses to the same signal