Lecture 1

Cards (34)

  • Water is an inorganic, macronutrient
  • carbs, protein, lipid are organic macronutrients
  • vitamins is an organic micronutrient
  • minerals are an inorganic micronutrient
  • carbs, 1g=4kcal
    protein, 1g=4kcal
    lipid, 1g=9kcal
  • energy expenditure depends on basic metablic rate & amount and intensity of physical activity/illness
  • acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDR):
    1. adequate energy and nutrients
    2. reduce risk chronic diseases
    3. range
    45-65% kcals from carbs
    20-35% kcals from fat
    10-35% kcals from protein
  • estimated average requirements = average amount sufficient for half of population
  • recommended dietary allowances = recommendations to meet needs of most healthy people, 98%
  • adequate intakes = used when insufficient scientific evidence AI value set instead of RDA, expected to exceed average requirements
  • tolerable upper intake levels = point where nutrient is likely to be toxic, helps protect against overconsumption
  • estimated energy requirement = amount cals needed for all daily functions, includes cals neded for both vital functions of life and physical activity, need meet energy expenditure
  • malnutrition = deficiency or excess over time leads to undernutrition or overnutrition
  • good diet includes:
    1. adequacy, sufficient energy and nutrients
    2. balance
    3. moderation
    4. variety, among and w/i food groups
    5. calorie control, energy intake = energy expenditure /// high nutrient density diets
  • nutrient density - most nutrients for fewest cals
  • fibre helps lower cholesterol
  • fibre helps diabetes:
    1. slow down carbs digestion
    2. effect on blood glucose
  • fibre helps weight:
    feeling full
  • fibre helps reducing risk of colon cancer
    diluting/removing toxins from bacteria fermentation
  • recommended dose of 30g per day of fibre, excessive fibre can cause abdominal discomfort, gas, constiparion and nutrient absorption
  • salivary amylase:
    carbs -> smaller polysac
    pancreatic amylase:
    polysac -> disac
    within small bowel mucosa:
    disac -> monosac
  • lactose intolerance:
    1. genetically determined
    2. symptoms of intolerance
    3. can be treated w/ lactase supplements
  • length of hydrocarbon chains:
    1. long chain, most common (12-24) meats + veg oil
    2. med-chain (6-10) dairy
    3. short-chain (<6) dairy
  • 9 amino acids cannot be synthesised by humans:
    Many Very Happy Little Pigs Take Iced Lemon Tea
  • average adult requires 0.8g per kg per day
    proteins constantly being synthesised and degraded - average 250g/day = 3%
  • deamination:
    amino acid + water = keto acid + ammonia + CO2
  • nitrogen intake = nitrogoen excretion
    negative nitrogen balance: intake < excretion which occurs during fasting, illness, trauma
    positive nitrogen balanceL intake > excretion
    occurs during growth, pregnancy
  • vitamins; water or fat soluble
    majority vitamins converted into molecules which act as coenzymes (except vit A,D,E)
  • Overview of vitamin roles (1)
  • overview of vitamins roles (2)
  • key minerals include: sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphate, magnesium
  • 'trace elements' - iron, fluoride, zinc, iodine, cobalt, copper, chromium, manganese, selenium
  • sodium and potassium, major electrolytes w/i cells (K+) and in extracellular fluid (Na+)
  • recommended sodium intake is <6g/day
    estimated daily salt intake 8.3g men and 6.4g women