Describe the basic features of each of the "grand theories" of development: Freud's and Erikson's psychodynamic theories, Watson's behaviorism, Piaget's constructivist theory, and Vygostky's sociocultural theory.
Freud: Biological and sexual drive (related to need for survival). Wanted to balance ID, Ego, and Super Ego. Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages.
Erikson: Importance of social and cultural interaction, and how development continues throughout life. Eight stages created that are associated with a crisis needing to be resolved.
Watson: Importance of observable behavior and how the environment shapes behavior. Classical conditioning and reinforcing/punishing behavior.
Piaget: Importance of child's ability to explore, and mature their brain and body. Took the constructivist approach meaning children construct their own system to understand world. Focused on schemas, assimilation, and accommodation.
Vygotsky: Importance of sociocultural context, as well as importance of maturation and experiences. Focused on zone of proximal development, guided participation, and scaffolding.