The word "philosopher" comes from the Greek words philein (love) and sophia (wisdom).
Socrates was known as the father of philosophy because he believed that true happiness could only be achieved through self-knowledge.
The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of beauty
The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of reality
The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of right and wrong
Speaker: 'Quote'
The branch of philosophy that studies the nature and scope of knowledge
Love of wisdom
Value theory
The branch of philosophy that studies and evaluates human conduct
Philosophy is the search for truth, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.
Philosophy is an intellectual discipline that seeks to understand fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.
It involves critical thinking, reasoning, analysis, and argumentation.
Philosophers use logic, evidence, and rationality to explore philosophical problems.
Plato, Socrates' student, founded the Academy in Athens, which became the first university in Europe.
Aristotle studied under Plato at the Academy but later established his own school called Lyceum.
It deals with fundamental questions about existence, reality, values, reason, mind, and language.
Philosophers use critical thinking to analyze ideas and arguments.
They seek answers through logic, reasoning, and evidence-based analysis.
Western Philosophyargumentation and theoryuse of reason rather than faithfocus on man as an individual
Who said “No man ever steps on the same river twice."?
Pythagorean Theorem is by?
Atoms are by?
Simplicity is by?
Diogenes of Sinope
Epicureanism is by ?
What is everything that exists is based on an ideaor template that can only be perceived inthe mind; these nonphysical ideas areeternal and unchanging?
Theory of Forms
What is a method of inquiry where twoopposing ideas are discussed in anattempt to arrive at new knowledge?
Who is the prominent student of Plato?
Aristotle disagreed with Plato's theory of forms and took a different view in interpreting reality.
Who said all ideas and views arebased on perceptionand our reality is basedon what we can senseand perceive?
The Peripatetic school was a philosophical school founded in 335 BC by Aristotle in the Lyceum in Ancient Athens.
moral goodnessis a habit Aristotle
Aristotle's Concept of the Golden Mean
What does eudaimonia means?
Catharsis is the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotions tensions
Notable Ancient Philosophers
Pythagorean Theorem
Heraclitus - "No man ever steps on the same river twice"
Democritus - Atoms
Diogenes of Sinope - Simplicity
Epicurus - Epicureanism
Socrates - Theory of Forms
Theory of Forms
Everything that exists is based on an idea or template that can only be perceived in the mind; these nonphysical ideas are eternal and unchanging
Important group that emerged and influenced learning in Ancient Greece
Teachers who travelled throughout Greece
Learning through discussion and argument
Excellent public speakers
Believed moral goodness is a habit
Prominent student of Plato
Disagreed with Plato's theory of forms and took a different view in interpreting reality
Believed all ideas and views are based on perception and our reality is based on what we can sense and perceive
Focused on Practical Wisdom
Associated with Lyceum and Peripatetics
A method of inquiry where two opposing ideas are discussed in an attempt to arrive at new knowledge