truth, lies and secret

Cards (23)

  • Nora lies about eating macaroons
  • "Has my little sweet-tooth been indulging herself"
  • "Speak quietly. My husband's at home"
  • Nora's secrecy when engaging with Krogstad
  • A03: until 1882, married women couldn't have any financial independence and their whole lives were dictated by their husbands
  • A03: women were treated like children and dolls by their husbands in the Victorian era, felt like they had to hide simple independent acts like buying themselves macaroons
  • Truth always comes out and relationships better for honesty
  • Mrs. Linde married a rich person and kept the reason from Krogstad
  • Dr. Rank's love for Nora
  • Dr ranks approaching death kept a secret from Helmer as he thinks death is ugly
  • Torvald burst with anger when he first found out that Nora hid such a big thing from him. He was shocked and ashamed over his wife's actions. Instead of thinking what made her do these acts, Torvald starts fuming about his future and talks inappropriately to Nora. It was this reaction of Torvald that made Nora leave him and their children.
  • Dr. Rank loses Nora's trust when he reveals his secret love for her. He dies alone in the end.
  • Krogstad get back together with Mrs. Linde when he comes to know the reason why she left him. After this, Krogstad starts off to live a respectable life.
  • The message conveyed by Henrik Ibsen in this play is that keeping secrets can ruin a healthy relationship. Having secrets means that there is little trust between two persons, which is suicidal for a relationship.
  • "When I'm no longer pretty... when torvald no longer loves me" The truth behind their relationship is that she is a trophy wife and Nora is aware of it
  • "Nearly all young criminals are the children of mothers who are constitutional liars" Helmer
  • "I am man enough to bear the burden for us both" Irony, Helmer
  • "Some people whom one loves, and others whom its almost more fun to be with" Nora after Rank declares his love
  • "Dr Rank, this was really horrid of you" Nora after Rank declares his love
  • "A woman chucking a man because something better turns up" Krogstad finding out why ML left
  • "I am afraid of nothing - with you" Mrs Linde to Krogstad
  • "A great wrong has been done to me, Torvald. First by Papa, then by you" Nora after letter found
  • "You never loved me. You just thought it was fun to be in love with me" Nora