Cards (57)

  • Two major categories of microbes are called?
    Acellular microbes (infectious particles) and cellular microbes (microorganisms)
  • It is a rapidly growing cell
  • Study of bacteria
  • Study of immune
  • Study of fungi, such as yeasts and molds
  • Study of nematodes (roundworms)
  • Study of parasites
  • Study of algae
  • Study of protozoa, single-celled organisms like amoeba
  • Study of viruses
  • Organisms are thoroughly investigated
    Pure Microbiology
  • Organisms are applied to a specific process
    Applied Microbiology
  • Study of the pathogenic microbes and the role of it in human illness.
    Medical microbiology
  • Study of microorganisms that are involved in the manufacturing of antibiotics, enzymes, vitamins, and other pharmaceutical goods that cause contamination and spoil
    Pharmaceutical microbiology
  • Creates or responsible for production (ex. fermentation and wastewater treatment)
    Industrial microbiology
  • Manipulation of microorganisms at the genetic and molecular level to generate useful products
    Microbial biotechnology
  • Study of microorganisms causing food spoilage and foodborne illness
    Food microbiology
  • Study of agriculturally relevant microorganisms (Ex. Plant microbiology and plant pathology / soil microbiology)
    Agricultural microbiology
  • Study of the role of microbes in veterinary medicine or animal taxonomy
    Veterinary microbiology
  • Study of function and diversity of microbes in their natural environment
    Environmental microbiology
  • Study of microorganisms that are found in water
    Water microbiology or aquatic microbiology
  • Study of airborne microorganism
    Aero microbiology (or air microbiology)
  • It is related to recombinant DNA technology or genetic engineering
  • Study of the interactions between microorganisms and plants and plant pathogens
    Plant microbiology and Plant pathology
  • Study of those microorganisms that are fund in soil
    Soil microbiology
  • It is use of microorganisms to clean air, water and soils
  • Used to make hormones, antibiotics, vaccines and other products. (New genes can be inserted into plants and animals)
    Genetic Engineering
  • Commercial application include the synthesis of acetone, organic acids, enzymes, alcohols and many drugs.
  • Also known as germ warfare, use of biological toxins or infectious agents.
    Biological Warfare
  • Study of the relationship between microorganisms and their environment
    Microbial Ecology
  • It aids in detection, isolation, diagnosis, and treatment of pathogenic bacteria
    Medical microbiology
  • Study of microorganisms in outer space
    Astro microbiology
  • Study of those microorganisms which are being used in weapon industries
    Biological agent
  • Reveals how pathogenic microorganism interacts with host cells in what is turning out to be a complex evolutionary battle of competing gene products
    Cellular microbiology
  • Study of microbial evolution
    Evolutionary microbiology
  • Study of microorganisms that have the same characters as their parents
    Generation microbiology
  • Study of microorganisms microscopic and submicroscopic features
    Microbial cytology
  • Relationship between microorganisms and their environment
    Microbial ecology
  • Study of how genes are structured and regulated in microbes in relation to their cellular functions
    Microbial genetics
  • Study if the process by which a microorganism causes a disease
    Microbial pathogenesis