nutr chapter 7

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  • proteins are made up of amino acids
  • the body needs amino acids to function 11 nonessential amino acids and 9 essential amino acids
  • nonessential amino acids are made by the body and don't need to be obtained from the diet
  • essential amino acids must be obtained by food because the body can't make them
  • nonessential amino acids are synthesized through transamination
  • if amino group is lost and not transferred to another carbon skeleton, the process is called deamination
  • amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds to form proteins
  • dna-coded instructions determine shape, and thus function, of proteins
  • primary structure- sequential order of amino acids and determines the protein's shape
  • secondary structure- is a spiral or pleated sheet shape formed by weak chemical bonds between amino acids
  • tertiary structure- is 3d shape that determines overall shape and function of protein
  • quaternary structure- 2 or more separate polypeptides interacting
  • denaturation is the alteration of a protein's 3d struture and destroys the protein's function
  • the body's proteins are in a constant sate of breakdown, rebuilding, and repair called protein turnover
  • if protein intake is less than losses, individual is in negative protein balane
  • is protein intake is greater than losses, individual is in positive protein balance
  • adult rda for protein intake is 0.8 g/kg of body weight
  • amdr for protein is 10-35%
  • pepsin in the stomach breaks down long polypeptide chains
  • chyme entering the small intestine triggers the release of secretin and cholecystokinin (cck) hormones that release proteases
  • proteins produce vital body structures
  • proteins maintain fluid balance
  • proteins contribute to the acid-base balance expressed in ph and act as buffers by pumping ions in and out of cells
  • proteins form hormones, enzymes, and neurotransmitters
  • proteins contribute to immune function
  • antibodies are proteins tat are a key component of the immune systen
  • proteins transport nutrients
  • gluconeogenesis forms glucose only if carbohydrate intake is inadequate
  • protein-energy malnutrition (pem) occurs in combination with a deficiency of energy
  • marasmus develops slowly and is a lack of all nutrients, not just protein
  • kwashiorkor occurs rapidly and is a sever deficiency of just protein
  • 8 foods account for 90% of all food allergies, peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, soy, wheat
  • lacto-vegetarians include dairy
  • lacto-ovo-vegetarians include eggs and dairy