Fat/oil (fats are solid at room temperature, oils are liquid) -
source of energy (twice as much as carbohydrate)
used as insulation against heat loss, for some hormones, in cell membranes, for insulation of nerve fibres
good food sources
Butter, milk, cheese
Protein -
Growth, tissue repair, enzymes, some hormones, cell membranes, hair, nails
Can be broken down to provide energy
good food sources:
Meat, fish, eggs
Vitamin C -
Needed to maintain healthy skin and gums
a deficiency can lead to scurvy
good food sources:
Citrus fruits, tomato, mango
Vitamin D -
Needed to maintain hard bones
helps in absorption of calcium from small intestine
deficiency can lead to rickets
good food sources:
Milk, cheese, sunlight
Iron -
Needed for formation of haemoglobin in red blood cells
a deficiency can lead to anaemia
good food sources:
red meat, eggs, chocolate
Calcium -
Needed to form healthy bones and teeth
helps for normal blood clotting
a deficiency can lead to rickets
good food sources:
Milk, cheese, fish
Dietary fibre (roughage) -
This is cellulose, which adds bulk to undigested food passing through the intestines, maintaining peristalsis
a deficiency can lead to constipation
good food sources:
Vegetables, fruit, wholemeal bread
Water -
Formation of blood, cytoplasm, as a solvent for transport of nutrients and removal of wastes (as urine)
enzymes work only in solution
good food sources:
Drinks, fruit, vegetables
The causes of scurvy -
A shortage of vitamin C can lead to a deficiency disease called scurvy.
Fibres in connective tissue of skin and blood vessels do not form properly, leading to bleeding under the skin.
Other symptoms are: feeling constantly tired, weak and irritable, with joint pains and swollen, bleeding gums
In severe cases, the teeth can fall out.
The causes of rickets -
A shortage of vitamin D or calcium can lead to a deficiency disease called rickets.
The symptoms are soft bones that become deformed.
Sufferers may become bow legged.
Mouth -
Food is ingested here. It is mechanically digested by cutting, chewing and grinding of teeth.
Saliva is added.
Salivary glands -
Produce saliva containing the enzyme amylase to begin the chemical digestion of starch.
The water in saliva helps lubricate food and makes small pieces stick together.
Oesophagus -
Boluses (balls) of food pass through, from mouth to stomach.
Stomach -
Muscular walls squeeze the food to make it semi-liquid.
Gastric juice contains protease to chemically digest protein and hydrochloric acid to maintain an optimum pH (1–2.5).
The acid also kills bacteria.
Duodenum -
The first part of the small intestine. It receives pancreatic juice containing protease, lipase and amylase.
The juice also contains sodium hydrogencarbonate, which neutralises stomach acid, giving a pH of 7–8.
Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are digested here.
Ileum -
The second part of the small intestine.
Enzymes in the epithelial lining chemically digest maltose and peptides.
Its surface area is increased by the presence of villi, which allow the efficient absorption of digested food molecules.
Most water is reabsorbed here.
Pancreas -
Secretes pancreatic juice into the duodenum for chemical digestion of proteins, fats and starch.
Liver -
Makes bile, which is stored in the gall bladder (bile is not an enzyme).
Bile contains salts that emulsify fats, forming droplets with a large surface area to make digestion by lipase more efficient.
It does not change the fat molecules chemically – it is just the droplet size that changes from large to small due to the action of bile.
Digested foods are assimilated here – for example, glucose is stored as glycogen.
Surplus amino acids are deaminated
Gall bladder -
Stores bile, made in the liver, to be secreted into the duodenum via the bile duct.
Colon -
The second part of the large intestine.
It reabsorbs water from undigested food, resulting in the formation of faeces.
It also absorbs bile salts to pass back to the liver.
Rectum -
Stores faeces until they are egested.
Anus -
Has muscles to control when faeces are egested from the body.
Physical digestion -
the breakdown of food into smaller pieces without chemical change to the food
increases the surface area of food for the action of enzymes in chemicaldigestion
Incisor -
position in mouth = front
description = chisel-shaped (sharp edge)
function = biting off pieces of food
Teeth -
A) Premolars
B) Canine
C) Incisors
D) Molars
Main organs of the digestive system
A) mouth
B) oesophagus
C) stomach
D) pancreas
E) colon
F) rectum
G) gall bladder
H) bile duct
I) liver
J) duodenum
K) ileum
L) anus
Canine -
position in mouth = either side of incisors
description = slightly more pointed than incisors
function = similar function to incisors
position in mouth = behind canines
description = have two points (cusps), one/two roots
function = tearing and grinding food
Molar -
position in mouth = back of the mouth
description = have four/five cusps, two/three roots
function = chewing and grinding food
Structure of a molar tooth -
A) enamel
B) gum
C) pulp
D) dentine
E) cementum
F) periodontal membrane
G) crown
H) root
Description of tooth part -
hardest tissue in the body
protects the inner part of the tooth
made from calcium salts
harder than bone
made from calcium ions deposited on a mesh of collagen fibre
contains blood vessels and nerve endings to detect pain (a tooth is a living structure)
similar composition to dentine
anchors the tooth into the jaw
Periodontal Membrane
anchors the cementum of the tooth to the jawbone
contains many nerve endings to detect pressures when chewing
made in the liver, stored in the gallbladder and transferred to the duodenum by the bile duct
has no enzymes but contains bile salts
bile salts emulsify the fats, breaking them up into small droplets with large surface area
digests lipase more efficiently
is slightly alkaline as it contains sodium hydrogencarbonate, and has the function of neutralising the acidic mixture of food and gastric juice as it enters the duodenum
this is important because the enzymes secreted into the duodenum need alkaline conditions to work at their optimum rate
Enzymes -
carbohydrase = acts in pancreas, salivaryglands and smallintestine
amylase = acts in the duodenum
maltase = acts in the smallintestine
protease = acts in stomach, pancreas, and smallintestine
pepsin = acts in stomach
trypsin = acts in smallintestine
lipase = smallintestine
Chemical digestion:
the process by which large insoluble molecules are broken down into small soluble molecules
enzymes speed up the process
Main places of chemical digestion -
small intestine
Amylase -
site of action = mouth, duodenum
special conditions = slightly alkaline
substrate digested = starch
end product(s) = Simple reducing sugars (e.g. maltose, glucose)
Protease -
site of action = stomach, duodenum
special conditions = acid in stomach, alkaline in duodenum
substrate digesteed = protein
end product(s) = amino acids
Lipase -
site of action = duodenum
special conditions = alkaline
substrate digesteed = fats and oils (lipids)
end product(s) = fatty acids and glycerol
Digestion of starch:
starch is digested in two places in the digestive system:
by salivary amylase in the mouth and by pancreatic amylase in the duodenum
amylase works best in a neutral or slightly alkaline pH and converts large, insoluble starch molecules into smaller, soluble maltose molecules
maltose is a disaccharide sugar and is still too big to be absorbed through the wall of the intestine
maltose is broken down to glucose by the enzyme maltase
this is present on the membranes of the epithelial cells of the villi in the small intestine