location is where a place is in the map, its latitude and longitude
Regionalism - Consciousness of and loyalty to a distinct region with a population that shares similarities
e.g. Southerner/Northerner? Cornish
Nationalism is the loyalty and devotion to a nation, which creates a sense of national consciousness. Patriotism could be considered as a sense of place.
e.g. flag, national anthem, sporting events, Welsh (language)? Scottish?
the subjective (personal) and emotional attachment to place and its meaning. Sense of place (place meaning)
Characteristics of insiders
place of birth - Born in X or their parents were born there
status - Permanent resident. Holds a passport. Can work, vote, claim benefits such as healthcare
Language capability - fluent in the language
Social Interactions: behaviour and understanding - Understands unspoken rules of the society. Conforms to local norms
State of mind - Safe, secure, happy – feels at home or ‘in place’
Characteristics of outsider
place of birth - Not born in X, parents are immigrants
status - Temporary visitor, limited stay visa. No access to benefits or support. Travelling for business, pleasure or safety (asylum seeker)
Language capability - Not fluent. Does not understand local idioms (variations or slang)
Social Interactions: behaviour and understanding - Frequently makes faux paus or misunderstands social interactions
State of mind - Homesick, alienated, in exile – feels ‘out of place’