3. Synaptic Plasticity

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  • Synaptic Plasticity ability of Synaptic connections to change over time in response to activity or experience
  • Synaptic Plasticity results from the Long Term Potentiation (LTP) and Long Term Depression (LTD), which can both modify neuron connections through sprouting, rerouting and pruning
  • LTP and LTD are the fundamentals of learning and memory formation
  • Sprouting - ability of dendrites or axons to develop new extensions or branches
  • Rerouting - ability of a neuron that is connected to a damaged neuron to create an alternative synaptic connection with an undamaged neuron
  • Pruning - elimination of synaptic connections that are not adequately activated
  • Pruning is a response to aging and maturation; developmental plasticity. It allows the brain to form stronger and more essential synaptic connections. It is part of LTD
  • Sprouting and Rerouting are changes in response to brain trauma or injury; adaptive plasticity. Sprouting enables new synaptic connections to form, and Rerouting replaces ineffective synaptic connections with effective ones
  • Functional Neuronal Changes are via the formation, strengthening and weakening of synaptic connections
  • Physical Neural Changes are via Sprouting, Rerouting and Pruning of synaptic connections and pathways