
Cards (11)

  • Definitions of abnormality:
    • Deviation from Social Norms (DSN)
    • Failure to Function Adequately (FFA)
    • Statistical Infrequency (SI)
    • Deviation from Ideal Mental Health (DIMH)
  • Deviation from Social Norms (DSN):
    • Abnormality defined as behavior that goes against unwritten rules and norms in a society
    • Concerned with behavior that is antisocial or undesirable
    • Example: Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD)
  • Evaluation of the Deviation from Social Norms Definition:
    • Supports general ideas of abnormality
    • Social norms change over time
    • Cultural relativity
  • Failure to Function Adequately (FFA):
    • Abnormal when behavior suggests inability to cope with everyday life
    • Focuses on individual suffering
    • Example: Severe depression
  • Evaluation of the Failure to Function Adequately Definition:
    • Real life application
    • Subjective judgement-who decides what is adequate
    • Abnormality not always associated with failing to function adequately
  • Statistical Infrequency:
    • Abnormal behavior is rare or uncommon
    • Individuals who fall outside the 'normal distribution', usually 5% of the population are perceived as abnormal.
    • Example: Schizophrenia
  • Evaluation of the Statistical Infrequency Definition:
    • Objective and sometimes appropriate
    • Focuses on frequency of behavior, not its desirability
    • Behaviors that are statistically infrequent in one culture may be statistically more frequent in another
  • Deviation from Ideal Mental Health (DIMH):
    • Starts from what is normal/mentally healthy and works backwards
    • Jahoda's criteria for normal mental health
    • Example: Anorexia nervosa- distorted perception of own body size, -ve self-concept, low self-esteem.
  • Jahoda's 6 criteria for ideal mental health:
    • Coping with stressful situations and anxiety
    • Personal autonomy: being independent, self-reliant, and able to make personal decisions
    • Accurate perception of reality: perceiving the world in a non-distorted fashion
    • Environmental mastery: being competent in all aspects of life and able to meet the demands of any situation, having the flexibility to adapt to changing life circumstances
    • Absence of these criteria indicates vulnerability to a psychological disorder
  • Evaluation of the Deviation from Ideal Mental Health Definition:
    • +ve approach to viewing abnormality
    • Sets an unrealistically high standard for mental health- who can achieve these criteria
    • Cultural relativism
  • Characteristics of abnormal behaviour related to FFA (Rosenham and Seligman
    • Suffering
    • Maladaptiveness
    • Irrational
    • Observer discomfort
    • Vividness
    • Violation of moral codes
    • Unpredictability