The virus is continously released and will cause symptos if nottreated. Examples are cervicalcancer, HIV, livercancer, persisent enterovirus infection, progressive encephalitis and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.
Enter the cell and change the genetic material, carry genes that cause cancer, viruses produce proteins that cause loss of regulation of growth, and oncoviruses can cause malignant viruses.
Occur when prions enter a nerve tissue, cause normal proteins to turn into prions, prions will multiplu and form chains. This will cause build up, which will cause cell function to decrease and turn into spongiform encepalopathies. Have a long incubation time and are deadly
When you give a person who has an bacterial infection a phage instead of antibiotics. The phage will directly target the bacteria that is making the person sick.
Can cause lysis to occur in infected host cells, target specific bacteria, FDA is looking into phages more, can treat MDR infections, phages can be modifyed and CRISPR can put phages directly into cells.
Scientists are unsure of effectiveness, idea is tied to the soviet union, casestudies have not been performed, takes time to determinephage, not sure of adverseeffects in the future, bacterialcontents can go into the bloodstream after lysis.