Chapter 7

Cards (31)

  • Binary fission
    the process in where a prokaryotic cell turns into 2 cells.
  • Microbial growth
    Is defined as the number of cells increasing, cell size increases and components are growing.
  • Psychrophile
    Optimal temperature is <15℃.
  • Psychrotolerant
    Optimal temperature is 15-30
  • Mesophile
    Optimal temperature: 20-40
  • Thermophile
    Optimal temperature:>45
  • Extremothermophile
    Optimal temperature: 80-121
  • Optimal temperatures
    results in the most amount of growth
  • Min and maximum
    Little to no growth
  • Bacterial growth pattern
    Occurs in an exponential pattern, so 1 goes to 2, 2 goes to 4 and up and up. A log scale allows you to better visualize the growth compared to a linear scale which will have to be much bigger and have a scale that writes each individual number instead of writing log^1 or log ^10.
  • Lag phase
    Little to no growth is occurring, the bacteria is adjusting, getting familiar to the environment and repairing damage from the previous environment the bacteria were in.
  • Exponential phase
    Is where exponential growth occurs, the bacterial cells will grow and divide, the cells will grow at the maximal rate but at a steady rate.
  • Stationary phase
    The number of growth of bacteria is equal to the amount of bacterial cell death. So the number of bacteria is staying constant.
  • Death phase
    There is no more bacterial growth occurring. So the number of bacteria cells will decrease.
  • Oxygens effect on growth
    Plays a important role in the the structural and enzymatic functions of the cell. Is a powerful oxidizing agent that can cause damage to nuclic acid, protiens and lipids.
  • Temperature effect on growth
    Bacteria can only go in certain temperature ranges, if not within that range, growth cannot occur. Microbes cannot regulate their own temperature so they rely on the environment's temperature.
  • pH effect on growth
    The cytoplasm is always maintained at a neutral pH. If the pH is not maintained the enzymes and cellular structures can be damaged.
  • Salt effect on growth
    how much water goes into the cell and out of the cell. If too much water goes into the cell the cell will burst. The cell can become dehydrated if there is too much salt.
  • Radiation
    Cells can be damaged by toxic oxygen that is produced by light they are nonphotosynthetic. Ultraviolet and ionizing waves can damage the cell as well.
  • Hydostatic Pressure
    Pressure that a cell is not habited to can cause a rupture.
  • Moisture
    Water is needed for all cells in order to digest micromolcules and for enzyme function.
  • Macronutrients
    Carbon,Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur and water. Proteins, lipids, carbs and nucleic acids.
  • Micronutrients
    Trace elements such as Calcium, magnesium, manganese, chlroide, salt, iron, and cobalt.
  • Growth factors
    Compounds that must be supplied in media such as vitamins and bases.
  • Anaerobe
    Do not require oxygen so they will live on the bottom of the ocean.
  • Aerobe
    Do require oxygen to live, they can live in bodies of water where thre is dissolved ocean and can also live on land with atmospheric oxygen.
  • obligate halophiles
    Live in hypertonic environments such as salt lakes, pools of evaporated seawater and solar salterns.
  • Facultative halophiles
    Can live in places with high salt concentrations or low salt concentrations.
  • VBNC
    means viable not culturable so it is not able to grow because of it's conditions but will be able to grow if it has the right conditions.
  • Problems with VBNC
    cannot be grown in normal conditions they are hard to detect and identify. They can cause harm but not be able to be identified.
  • Ways to quantify microbial numbers
    Diluting and plating to back calculate, count by filtration, cycomter and stain, turbidity.