Sauer Report (1948) by the NP, gave 2 options: Integration of white and black or total segregation - claimed integration would cause 'national suicide' so here was no 'good' alternatives to apartheid; this was the popular mandate so it had to be implemented
Apartheid (separate) was a popular mandate for total segregation (advocated by the Sauer Report) - meant separate living areas for each group, with blacks on tribal homeland, farming, and whites controlling mining and industry
The impossibility of total segregation became clear as cheap black labour was crucial for industry and the % of blacks in cities actually increased - solution; petty apartheid, daily life segregation (public facilities, transport, and education)
Apartheid was all encompassing swallowing every aspect of life
International Response: Pre-WWII, white-run colonies were common so didn't condemn South Africa's segregation; but post-WWII, European empires crumbled; the UN recognized racial equality, despite UN's 1952 condemnation, little international response